About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Back to our regularly scheduled program


<cough, cough, cough> waving my hands in front of my face. Damn this place is dusty.. Has it really been MONTHS since I was last here...

I'm back.. Took an inadverent vacation from expressing my thoughts and personal ramblings but i'm back. With more bullshit to share with the masses...or lack of masses... I've only got a handful of folks reading this.. So without further ado...<DRUM ROLL PLEASE>

WHAT THE FUCKING HELL GOING !!!! I mean really. The world is coming to a damn end. The Cryami Heat won the damn NBA championship (FUCK THEM). Chicago actually had a spring season for the first time in LAWD knows how long. And i've been shipped off to Lil' Beruit.. Well I haven't been shipped anywhere. Yet with all the damn murders on the streets of Chi thats what it seems like to me.

So what is it you ask. What is it thats gotten my drawers all snuggly up my ass crack. What is it thats made me pluck my eye brows (i've pull out my hair but i'm bald). What is it that's made me realize once more that SOME PARENTS ARE FUCKING NUTTIER THAN THESE FOLKS ON BATH SALTS (more on the zombie apoloicype later) Well.... It's.....

http://baby-bangs.com. Don't worry its a legit site. UN-FUCKING-FORTUNATELY...

Really.. Really people.. Are we serious?!?!? Is this what the world's coming to..


I'm sorry. I know i'm not a parent. Although I did become a grandfather back in May (go figure) HEY DJ!!. Where was I. Oh yea.. parenting... There are certain things that are expected from babies. They piss and shit themselves. They have no teeth. They can't walk or talk.. And most are hairless.. Its a natural born fact. Some babies are born with hair and some are not. That's fine. Its to be EXPECTED.. So why this..

Who in the hell wants to give a baby a hair piece.. Yes thats all it is. its a fucking TOUPEE for babies..

Like this


or this
Or heaven forbid this piece of shit


SERIOUSLY FOLKS.. Babies are meant to be bald for a while. If there's something wrong and the babies hair isn't growing then you still love that child as they are. It's bad enough that kids grow are starting to have body image issues in the adolescent years. Now you there's a movement to screw them up even earlier..

Stop it folks. For the love of the almighty stop it. Barring any medical illness your child will grow hair. If they don't then being a loving parent you'll love that child as is.. Flaws and all. When you start putting shit like this on a child's head its not for the child.. Its for your own selfish ass. You sorry excuse for a loving protecting providing parent. It's all on you..

P.S I promise to be more active with this blog of mine. Some folks have told me that they actually enjoy my skewed take on reality and everythuign that comes along with it. So i'll keep it going as much as possible..

Coming soon.
 Why a woman can't teach a lil boy to be a man..

1 comment:

  1. Another classic, wow, what next, boob jobs for kindergartens kids, LOL!!
