About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So You Mad Huh.....

Please note. This post is going to use the actual N-Word. This is a necessary evil that is being used to prove a point. Be an adult and put aside your insecurities and read the message. If not, FUCK OFF!!

The other day on The View the topic of the word Nigger came up. NO I don't watch the show. I mean if I wanna watch a bunch of catty women argue about shit they may or may not understand I'll go to Church. Besides I work during that time. A black host and a white host got into a headed discussion / argument over who can and can't use the word. Now to set the record straight, I'm of the school of thought that there are two different words (nigger and nigga) and two totally different meanings. I'm also of the school of thought that NO ONE should use either word. Now does that mean that I don't use the word nigga... HELL NO. I don't use it as much now as I get older. Yet its still a word that's a part of my vocabulary.  Its sort of like the word dude for some. Or Bro for others.  Some women say penis or dick, others say cock.
Now I will admit I've heard both words used by people outside of the African American race. My thing is What the fuck is the fasicination of other cultures with using the word? Explain that shit to me.. Whenever discussion of the usage Nigger comes up some whites get offended that they can't use it. The argument that often gets tossed around is "If you can say it why can't I." Fuck that. My question is What reason do you have for saying it or wanting to say it? Seriously. Outside of intelligent conversation, when would you want to use the word? Let me be honest. Its a word with a HORRIBLE history. It was used as a tool of oppression. Of assult. That one word was once used to hold down an entire race of people. YES WE ALL KNOW THIS.. The fact that blacks still use it, which is a sore spot within our race, doesn't mean its up for discussion. So for anyone upset that folks get mad when its used, just remember What reason do I even have for using it? Truth be told if one black man referred to another black man as a Nigger, its about to be a fight.

Now for the other side of the story. BLACK FOLKS NEED TO GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! I'm going on record and stating this. We, as a people will never succeed, if we keep fighting a battle over bullshit. Point blank. It fucking kills me that news and radio stations and social media will get bombarded with comments, from Blacks, how offended they are when someone who isn't Black uses this word. OFFENDED!!! Of all the shit we're threatened with on a daily basis, all the threats to our culture and who we are as a people. Folks will get verbal and physical over the usage of the word Nigger yet won't show that same passion for more serious issues.

Unemployment, fatherless children, the loss of our identity, the disenfranchisement of blacks in the political system. THIS IS SHIT TO GET MAD ABOUT... Yet when these issues come up what do we here from our community............Nothing. All this damn anger about being offended over the usage of the a word  is so fucking misplaced.  I'm not saying it doesn't matter. It matters a FUCKING TON. The fact still remains that there are much bigger issues at hand than who can and can't use the word. As a people we all know that word is trash.  Its a swear word. Up there with, bitch, ass, fuck and shit. We keep fighting a battle over bullshit, while the shit that really matters we ignore or show no interest in.

And for the record saying N-Word IS NOT A FUCKING SUBSITIUTE FOR NOT SAYING IT!!! Thats the equivalent of saying Suck my and (pointing at my dick). True I ain't say the word but you know what I was thinking. Saying N-Word is the same fucking shit.

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