About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Captian's Log: Stardate Supplemental. It's now 13 mins before hour. And i've been up since 4:00 am. I'm sitting here in the kitchen keeping the wife company as she cooks thanksgiving dinner. Got a strong as drink in my cup and a message on my mind. So I decided why not send a message of thanks and one of upliftment to all of you out there. Thanksgiving. That annual day of gluttony that we all rejoice in. It's a time for family and friends. It's also a time for reflection for some. One of sadness for others. Yet through it all, we give thanks. As i'm sitting her drinking, listening typing and thinking I have to say i'm extremely grateful and blessed in where I am in my life up to this point. I don't have everything I want. Yet i've got my needs taken care of. I'm not where I want to be yet i'm not that bad off either. For that in and of its self i'm thankful. I'm here of (semi) sound mind and for that I'm thankful. Yet those are not the things that i'm the most grateful for. This was a rough year for a lot of my friends. Relatives were lost, homes as well. A lot of broken hearts and sleepless nights. Yet through it all they've all endured. They've found the strength to go on. Even on those days when they felt as if quitting and giving up would be easier. They continued. They fought. They lived. It is that, that i'm the most thankful for. I've been there. More times than I care to count. More times than most people, even those close to me might even realize. In those darkest of days, and those longest of lonely nights sometimes you just don't want to continue. You just want the pain to stop. Yes I know. The fact that you are still here is what I'm thankful for. Your strength, your love, the lives you live. The people you touch. Thats what i'm thankful for. So for all of you who are going through that first holiday. For those of you who are remembering those loved ones
who made, not only this holiday but every day a special day remember this. Time will heal those wounds. It may not seem like it at first. Yet take it from me. There's nothing you can't get through with a little bit of faith and a lot of love. Lean on those that are close to you Love those that make you smile, in spite of the pain you feel. Cry with those who will let you cry (and fuck the bullshit real men cry). And most importantly always remember that through it all, there will be an end to the pain. I'm not saying it won't hurt anymore. I'm not saying you won't cry anymore. What i'm saying is that those days will be fewer and fewer as the days and months roll past. The memories of loved ones past will always be with you. So if you find yourself sneaking into a corner to shed a tear over that loved one who's not here. Thats fine. Just remember this. There is a better place other than this. One where there is no pain or tears. They have gone on to make your way a little bit easier. They watch and guide your steps. For you all that continue to fight through the pain. I want to say thanks. Or more apropos I want to give you thanks and prayers and most importantly my love. Believe it or not the fact that you continue to press on inspires those around you. Keep fighting. Peace comes in the end.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Disturbingly Depressing

When all this mess started I said I'd avoid it. I said i wouldn't use my limited space on the Internet as a tool to harp about this. Yet i can't not discuss this. I can't not act like I don't know about it. I attempted to ignore it. Yet I failed. So with that I will write. As i start this I don't know how long this will be or where it will end. So with that I give this disclaimer. This is about Jerry Sandusky and the charges levied against him. This is about those that failed.  This is for his victims (alleged).

I read the grand jury report or presentment as its legally referred to. Yep, all 24 pages. Now if you're not familiar with what a grand jury is here's a little information about them. The grand jury is used to decide whether someone should be charged ("indicted") for a serious crime. The grand just hears evidence presented by the prosecutor: U.S Attorney. The grand jury uses subpoenas to gather this evidence. It can subpoena documents, physical evidence and witnesses to testify. A grand jury is different from a regular jury in that it’s job is not to determine guilt or innocence, but to decide whether there is probable cause to prosecute someone for a felony crime.

Now keep in mind that grand juries are not the end of the line. They are in fact the very beginning of the process. What does this mean in terms of the Sandusky affair. We, the people are in for a very long journey. I'm not a lawyer, nor am I any way affiliated with any legal organization in any fashion so what follows are personal statements.

After reading the grand jury report all I can say is.............. Yea. I had nothing to say. Through 24 pages I read with an open mouth, a broken heart and tears in my eyes. And not for the reasons you may think. You see, we all know that the violation of a child is the lowest of the low. I honestly feel that murder, although horrible, isn't as bad and the repeated violation or a minor. Simply because with murder the victim's pain stops.  IF what the grand jury document alleges is true. 8 little boys were ruined. 8 teen ages boys had to struggle with the fact that someone they trusted betrayed them in the worst possible way. 8 men, have had to fight for peace with the knowledge that a portion of their childhood were tarnished and destroyed. Oh yes, as I read through this, I was heartbroken.

I won't go into details about it. If you're interested in reading the report just google it. There are several papers that have digital versions of the full document on line. Just be warned. It is graphic in nature, and disturbing in the subject. The simplest way I can describe it is Disturbingly Depressing. And not just because of what Sandusky  is accused to have done. It's because of all the people who did nothing.

Some people suck. Flat out fucking suck. Respect for the well being of our fellow man is just fucking horrible. For the most part, I'll accept that. I don't like it but I can accept the fact that people walk by or turn a blind eye when an adult is in danger. What i can't, won't and never accept is when adults turn a blind eye to kids being hurt or in danger.  That's just fucking DEPLORABLE!!!!

There were several "witnesses" to some of the more severe acts allegedly committed. And in each instance those witnesses stated that they were disturbed by what they'd witnessed. Yet in no instance did they call the police. NOT A SINGLE DAMN TIME!!! One man stated he called his father and another broke down in tears. They both reported what they saw to their superiors yet they never took the initial step to report what they saw to the police..... 

That's what disturbs me the most. Are we, as a society, so afraid of reprisal's that we don't report crimes we personally witness to authorities? Are we, as a society, so disillusioned with the police that we'd rather let someone be hurt repeatedly rather than notify them of wrong doing? Kids.... These were kids... Who were failed. Sandusky (allegedly) failed them. Employees at an institute of higher learning failed them. The legal system that allowed the first investigation to just sit. (Oh yea there was a complaint against him prior to the major one that came out. The system failed..

I pray that the victims of this are not forgotten. In the rush to "mourn" Paterno's firing lets not forget that there are numerous young men who are the true victims. They are the one's who should be honored, and fought for. Them and every other child that has ever been abused. Child abuse is a disease and it is probably more rampant than any of us realize. As an adult we must protect our youth. Not just those kids we know personally. We must protect ALL kids. We must give them a chance to grow up. So take this as my plea to all of you who read this. If you know a child who is being abused please seek help on behalf of that child. Do not let it continue. Contact your local authorities or contact The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Condolences, Kim Kardashian

So it finally happened. The attention whore ended that farce of a shame that she called a marriage. Yes, this blog is gonna be about Kim K. I know i know, you've probably heard all of this before and from much more authoritative sources than I. Yet here I am, after a long personal hiatus. To talk about, Kim K. Pull up a seat, strap in and hang on. Its gonna be a ride.

OK first and foremost, let me put this out there again. I'm not a fan of reality television or any of the folks on it.  With that in mind, this whole Kim Kardashian thing is very interesting to the cynic in me. She is a very attractive woman. Nice ass, solid rack. If i was single and she threw ass at me I'd smash that shit like a Mark McGuire (allegedly) juiced up home run. So its not her attractiveness that's a problem. Its her, in general that i've got a problem with.

Lets face it. We all know how she got her start. She took dick from some washed up never was has been. Yea I said it. Ray J was been a marginal star at BEST. He's only famous cause his sister could actually carry a tune. Otherwise, wouldn't no one give a shit about his ass. Did you notice when she stopped making music and acting on a regular basis so did he... So Kim fucked a has been on tape and became an instant celebrity...

That's it..... She didn't win a Nobel Prize.. She's not in the WNBA. She didn't star beside George Clooney or Matthew McConaughey. She wasn't even in Playboy.. She made a sex tape.. There are a TON of these damn things out there. Hers wasn't much better or much worse than any others out. (yea I've seen it). She took a dick. BIG FUCKING DEAL.. There's a woman right now sucking a mean one and she won't get shit but a stiff jaw, a gummy taste in their mouth and a dirty towel on the floor. Kim K fucked a has been, washed up wanna be and she's famous. What a fucking crock of shit.

Now that she's been married (HA) and has filed for divorce (go figure) she's taking this whole "My marriage was real" stance looking all teary eyed and shit. HOE SIT DOWN!!! The divorce rate in this country is is so fucking high, the fact that she got divorced isn't surprising. What surprises me is that THIS CHICK IS ACTING HURT??? Her and Kris, are both acting like this shit wasn't a big ass scam from the beginning..  They don't understand why this "painful?" and personal moment has now become fodder for the media cannon. Oh, i can easily answer that for you.

Sardonic, How did she whore her self out again. Well let me tell you how she did it again my few readers. That trick laid down and opened her wedding to her numerous TV shows and the newspapers and any other trifling ass media outlet that wanted to pay to witness that bullshit. There are very few weddings that are deserving of public attention. THIS WAS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!! So when you have a 4 hour wedding special on EmbarrassmentTV (E!) and you actually make cash on your wedding,  oh hell yea you're gonna be in the media eye. I don't see them rushing to give that gwap back ...  Every "personal" moment is shared in front of the damn camera. Yet she said it was real.. I'd have pissed my self if they'd come out and say, "You know what. This marriage was fake."

Society has become so dependent on "REALITY". We need TV shows looking into the mundane lives of others to make our lives better. "Reality" TV stars don't have fans, they have fucking stalkers. Think about it. If you had someone watching your every movement, they know your likes and dislikes, isn't that a stalker? Stalkers don't have to become violent to be called stalkers. It's a sad state of affairs when people feel sad for the actions of reality TV stars but don't give a shit about their co workers or their own damn family members.

Fuck Kim, Khole, fuck the pimp of a mother they've got and fuck all these other bullshit ass reality TV stars. No offense but if you happen to turn on the TV to watch this re heated piss FUCK YOU TOO! You're the reason they exist. You're the reason that for the next 2 months we're gonna hear about Kim needing a break from the media as she gets over her broken heart. And then  after that we're gonna hear about her reconnecting with a lost love.  All I know is she's a whore. Media, financial, physical or other wise. She sells everything there is about her. And sadly there's a market for this shit. Folks buy it, and support it and defend it.

So to Kim Kardashian, I say this. You aren't important. You aren't special to the world. Your best contribution to society was when you took dick on camera. Do those of us in the minority (those who really care less about you) a favor and fade into obscurity. And take the fucking rest of the reality world with you