About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Disturbingly Depressing

When all this mess started I said I'd avoid it. I said i wouldn't use my limited space on the Internet as a tool to harp about this. Yet i can't not discuss this. I can't not act like I don't know about it. I attempted to ignore it. Yet I failed. So with that I will write. As i start this I don't know how long this will be or where it will end. So with that I give this disclaimer. This is about Jerry Sandusky and the charges levied against him. This is about those that failed.  This is for his victims (alleged).

I read the grand jury report or presentment as its legally referred to. Yep, all 24 pages. Now if you're not familiar with what a grand jury is here's a little information about them. The grand jury is used to decide whether someone should be charged ("indicted") for a serious crime. The grand just hears evidence presented by the prosecutor: U.S Attorney. The grand jury uses subpoenas to gather this evidence. It can subpoena documents, physical evidence and witnesses to testify. A grand jury is different from a regular jury in that it’s job is not to determine guilt or innocence, but to decide whether there is probable cause to prosecute someone for a felony crime.

Now keep in mind that grand juries are not the end of the line. They are in fact the very beginning of the process. What does this mean in terms of the Sandusky affair. We, the people are in for a very long journey. I'm not a lawyer, nor am I any way affiliated with any legal organization in any fashion so what follows are personal statements.

After reading the grand jury report all I can say is.............. Yea. I had nothing to say. Through 24 pages I read with an open mouth, a broken heart and tears in my eyes. And not for the reasons you may think. You see, we all know that the violation of a child is the lowest of the low. I honestly feel that murder, although horrible, isn't as bad and the repeated violation or a minor. Simply because with murder the victim's pain stops.  IF what the grand jury document alleges is true. 8 little boys were ruined. 8 teen ages boys had to struggle with the fact that someone they trusted betrayed them in the worst possible way. 8 men, have had to fight for peace with the knowledge that a portion of their childhood were tarnished and destroyed. Oh yes, as I read through this, I was heartbroken.

I won't go into details about it. If you're interested in reading the report just google it. There are several papers that have digital versions of the full document on line. Just be warned. It is graphic in nature, and disturbing in the subject. The simplest way I can describe it is Disturbingly Depressing. And not just because of what Sandusky  is accused to have done. It's because of all the people who did nothing.

Some people suck. Flat out fucking suck. Respect for the well being of our fellow man is just fucking horrible. For the most part, I'll accept that. I don't like it but I can accept the fact that people walk by or turn a blind eye when an adult is in danger. What i can't, won't and never accept is when adults turn a blind eye to kids being hurt or in danger.  That's just fucking DEPLORABLE!!!!

There were several "witnesses" to some of the more severe acts allegedly committed. And in each instance those witnesses stated that they were disturbed by what they'd witnessed. Yet in no instance did they call the police. NOT A SINGLE DAMN TIME!!! One man stated he called his father and another broke down in tears. They both reported what they saw to their superiors yet they never took the initial step to report what they saw to the police..... 

That's what disturbs me the most. Are we, as a society, so afraid of reprisal's that we don't report crimes we personally witness to authorities? Are we, as a society, so disillusioned with the police that we'd rather let someone be hurt repeatedly rather than notify them of wrong doing? Kids.... These were kids... Who were failed. Sandusky (allegedly) failed them. Employees at an institute of higher learning failed them. The legal system that allowed the first investigation to just sit. (Oh yea there was a complaint against him prior to the major one that came out. The system failed..

I pray that the victims of this are not forgotten. In the rush to "mourn" Paterno's firing lets not forget that there are numerous young men who are the true victims. They are the one's who should be honored, and fought for. Them and every other child that has ever been abused. Child abuse is a disease and it is probably more rampant than any of us realize. As an adult we must protect our youth. Not just those kids we know personally. We must protect ALL kids. We must give them a chance to grow up. So take this as my plea to all of you who read this. If you know a child who is being abused please seek help on behalf of that child. Do not let it continue. Contact your local authorities or contact The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD.

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