About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Captian's Log: Stardate Supplemental. It's now 13 mins before hour. And i've been up since 4:00 am. I'm sitting here in the kitchen keeping the wife company as she cooks thanksgiving dinner. Got a strong as drink in my cup and a message on my mind. So I decided why not send a message of thanks and one of upliftment to all of you out there. Thanksgiving. That annual day of gluttony that we all rejoice in. It's a time for family and friends. It's also a time for reflection for some. One of sadness for others. Yet through it all, we give thanks. As i'm sitting her drinking, listening typing and thinking I have to say i'm extremely grateful and blessed in where I am in my life up to this point. I don't have everything I want. Yet i've got my needs taken care of. I'm not where I want to be yet i'm not that bad off either. For that in and of its self i'm thankful. I'm here of (semi) sound mind and for that I'm thankful. Yet those are not the things that i'm the most grateful for. This was a rough year for a lot of my friends. Relatives were lost, homes as well. A lot of broken hearts and sleepless nights. Yet through it all they've all endured. They've found the strength to go on. Even on those days when they felt as if quitting and giving up would be easier. They continued. They fought. They lived. It is that, that i'm the most thankful for. I've been there. More times than I care to count. More times than most people, even those close to me might even realize. In those darkest of days, and those longest of lonely nights sometimes you just don't want to continue. You just want the pain to stop. Yes I know. The fact that you are still here is what I'm thankful for. Your strength, your love, the lives you live. The people you touch. Thats what i'm thankful for. So for all of you who are going through that first holiday. For those of you who are remembering those loved ones
who made, not only this holiday but every day a special day remember this. Time will heal those wounds. It may not seem like it at first. Yet take it from me. There's nothing you can't get through with a little bit of faith and a lot of love. Lean on those that are close to you Love those that make you smile, in spite of the pain you feel. Cry with those who will let you cry (and fuck the bullshit real men cry). And most importantly always remember that through it all, there will be an end to the pain. I'm not saying it won't hurt anymore. I'm not saying you won't cry anymore. What i'm saying is that those days will be fewer and fewer as the days and months roll past. The memories of loved ones past will always be with you. So if you find yourself sneaking into a corner to shed a tear over that loved one who's not here. Thats fine. Just remember this. There is a better place other than this. One where there is no pain or tears. They have gone on to make your way a little bit easier. They watch and guide your steps. For you all that continue to fight through the pain. I want to say thanks. Or more apropos I want to give you thanks and prayers and most importantly my love. Believe it or not the fact that you continue to press on inspires those around you. Keep fighting. Peace comes in the end.

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