About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Protect their Hearts: Message from Child to Child

I will never have kids. I'll never know the joy of watching my child be born. First steps, first words, first day of school, is not in my future. My step kids choose not listen to me because I'm not a "parent". That's fine also. I still love them regardless of how they feel towards me. I understand that all the things  I don't have is all apart of  God's plan for me. And I embrace it whole heatedly. I'm not writing this to talk or bitch and moan about me and my lacks. I write this not as a parent. I write this as an adult. I write this as a friend. I write this as a man. Most importantly I write this as a child.

Recently several events happened close to home that made me sit back and think about my youth. Those things that I did, be it under the veil of  invincibility that all kids live under (til a certain age). Or under the veil of youthful ignorance. Yea I indulged.  Not as much as some of my peers but much more than others. Each time I did something youthfully stupid I always thought I wasn't hurting anyone. Especially if I wasn't caught doing it.

I mean lets be honest. If you're not caught, who cares what you did. If no one is hurt, where's the harm in it. No matter what IT is I didn't care. Just like you. You figure that if your parents don't care then its all good. And even if you are caught, you figure What the hell is the big deal its just (fill in the blank).

I want to let you know that it matters. That someone cares. And its your job to care that someone about that someone who cares. Its your job to Protect Their Hearts.. This is my message to you. Protect Their Hearts. 

Parents aren't the end all be all of everything in the world. They are not perfect. They make mistakes. Some are better than others yet all deserve your protection. Their hearts deserve your protection. This is especially true in instances when the parent or parents do EVERYTHING THEY CAN to provide for you. They work shitty jobs. Go days without a good nights sleep cause they worry about you. They lay down their lives so that you can have a chance at life. You OWE them!!! Yea I said it. You OWE THEM!. 

Now I'm not saying that you owe them cash or time. You don't have to put your life on hold for them. Decent parents NEVER ask this of their children. A lot of times they very rarely ask anything of you. That doesn't mean they don't want things from you. Things OF you. They just won't ask, hint or flat out mention them. Simply because a parents job is many times a thank less one. So as the child, its your job to Protect Their Hearts.

What does this mean, Protect Their Hearts.. Simply put, you need to act and carry yourself in a fashion that will make them proud. In whatever you do strive to make your parents proud. All of your actions should be designed to Protect Their Hearts. That means being grateful for WHATEVER they give you. It means taking advantage of the life they've provided for you. The knowledge that they have over you. An older person will ALWAYS be wiser than you. They may not be more book smart than you yet life isn't lived on paper. Life doesn't always have a margin for you to take notes. So shut up when they are telling you something. Listen to the knowledge that they will impart to you.. 

Protecting the Hearts of your parents will always be a lifetime job. It will be a thankless job. Thankless in the sense there are no monetary or physical rewards. You won't get a medal or any checks. Your parents may not ever thank you for Protecting Their Heart. Likewise they will NEVER tell you when you've broken theirs. Yes as a child you can break your parents hearts. 

Shocking isn't it. You didn't think there was anything you can do to break a parents heart. Hell truth be told your parent probably has a broken heart RIGHT NOW because of something you did. Sit down and think about it. You've done something that you KNOW hurt them. Did they tell you that you'd broken their heart? Did you see the tears that they shed due to your failing to protect them. So yea, as a child you can break a parents heart. This doesn't mean that they will love you any less. A parents love, is one that is  unquestionable. So do your job...

I'm gonna end this here simply because it's time. As I stated at the beginning. I'm not a parent. This might be a blessing. Simply because I won't endure the heart break and pain of my child failing to Protect My Heart. I won't have a spouse to worry about me wondering if I'll ever recover from it. Or friends protecting me from my kids. All I ask is that you as a child do what you must to Protect the Hearts of your parents.

Please pass this message around to all the children you know. 

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