About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

At The Close Of The Day

Here we are once again. Preparing to ring in another year. Good bye 2011.. Hello 2012.. I can smell the Black Eyed Peas right now as they cook in the pot. The Mrs. is making peach cobbler and some gumbo to round out this meal. 2012 is already shaping up to be a great year and it hasn't even gotten here yet. 

Now on to the tomfoolery. I'm here today to talk to you about resolutions.. You know those things that y'all make every year about what you're gonna do different in the new year. You read right. I said Y'ALL. I don't make em. Never have and never will. Simply because if you live your life the way you should EACH and EVERY day you wouldn't need resolutions.  So I'm not promising to be nicer to people, to stop being brutally honest or even less ass-holey.. Nope not gonna happen. 

So as usual, Facebook (CIIIC), Twitter (@xxciiicxx) and the rest of the cyber world has blown up with all these post about resolutions. Folks saying things like I'm gonna do this differently and I'm gonna do that. The one that gets me is those folks who say, 2012 is the year I end all my toxic relationships....

Now think about that for a second. You're gonna end your toxic relationships...THE NEXT CALENDER YEAR... Not today. Not last week. You're gonna end them in 2012... YOU'RE A FUCKING LIAR... Yea I said it. You're lying to everyone and worst of all you're lying to your damn self. What the hell are you waiting for?? You've said it yourself. The relationship is TOXIC.... What damn reason can you POSSIBLY have for deliberately staying in a relationship you, yourself claim is toxic.

What you need to be making a resolution to do is USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN MORE!!! How about that shit. Can someone explain to me this logic? You know this relationship isn't good for you. You've admitted that its toxic, yet you're gonna stay in it longer than you have to.. How about this, let me take a shit on a plate and feed it to you. I bet you won't eat that would you.. Why cause its shit.. THAT'S WHY!!! Yet you'll wait till 2011 ends to decide to end a TOXIC relationship... Damn fool you..

Here's what you're really gonna do. You're gonna get rid of THAT toxic relationship and replace it with another on. Simply because you're not going to do anything different than what you did the last time. Instead of making a resolution to change YOU and YOUR MENTAL attitudes you're gonna make a resolution to get rid of others cause they are toxic...  Not yo simple minded ass. 

So for 2012 maybe your resolution should be "I'm gonna tell myself the truth more." Cause if you keep lying to ya self you're 2012 is gonna turn out as fuck up as your 2011 was.. And how do I know your 2011 was fucked up.. Well, because you waited until 2012 arrived to get rid of toxic relationships. Meaning you were in one in 2011.. 


1 comment:

  1. Damn, I guess I should stop typing up my New Year's resolution, P.S., do you have to cook black eye peas on New Years? I thought you were suppose to cook some beans, oh well, I'm eating popcorn shrimp all day tomorrow, Happy New years to you and your familia!
