About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

When the Devils Driving, Ride Shotgun.

Whats going on world. Its me again. I know its been a while and I did say I'd attempt to make posts on a more request basis. And I haven't. Oh frigging well. If you're reading this its recreational reading for you. You're just interested in reading what type of educated ignorance I'm gonna bless you with today. Well sit back, relax and enjoy.

So today I just happened to be going through the news in Chicago. I came across this article. Its about a 20 year old kid who has recently died due to a heroin overdoes. Nothing new there.. I'm not being callous or heartless. Its just a sad fact of life. People die everyday from some drug or other. Some intentionally some not. It is what it is. The thing that's not normal is a statement that his mother makes about how his addiction started. To paraphrase (BIG WORD I KNOW!!!) his addiction resulted from smoking weed with an acquaintance who laced it with heroin. Now the young man who died did not (according to his mother) know this weed was laced.. And here in lies the crux (ANOTHER BIG WORD) of my issue today....WHAT TYPE OF SICK BASTARD LACES GOOD WEED(ALLEGEDLY) WITH HEROIN AND NOT TELL THE FOLKS HE'S SMOKING IT WITH!!!!

PSA The rest of this post will in some way refer to or flat out blatantly talk about drug usage. I'M IN NO WAY ADVOCATING THE USAGE, DISTRIBUTION OR SELLING OF ILLEGAL DRUGS IN ANY FASHION. I am however promoting the safe use of any illegal drugs you're using that when used properly will make you EXTREMELY happy, sometimes giggly and perpetually (ANOTHER BIG WORD. ONE A ROLL) hungry.

If you're like me you've PROBABLY done some shit that's considered stupid or downright dangerous in your time. If you haven't then FUCK YOU!! Some of us like to take risks before we leave this planet. You know have something to tell our kids NOT to do. There's nothing worse than some old ass stick in the mud fuddy duddy telling you not to do something because (Fill in your own bullshit reasoning here) When they never attempted the damn thing.

Anyway. What I'm getting at is that most of us have done some ignorant shit. Drove home drunk, had sex unprotected, crossed the into and out of Canada with weed under the front seat while on vacation. Whatever your act may be you've done it.You knew the potential for negative consequences if shit went downhill and you proceeded. Even if you weren't the devil. You were riding next to him/her (gotta include chicks cause we know they do dirty shit as well.) When the devils driving, you were riding shotgun.

Front row, center field. You knew what you were facing and you rode in head first. If you're gonna do it DO IT RIGHT!!! Don't let someone else fuck you over. Screw your self first. You know the saying, no one knows how to please you better than you. Yea so what it the statement applies to masturbation it works here as well. Don't let any one get over on you.

As my pop's told me Don't take no wooden nickles..

I'm not bashing the young man who died. To be honest with you it hurts me whenever some dies of a drug addiction. An addiction death is one of the most preventable deaths around. It really hurts me when I hear of an addiction death in which the addiction was not of the "addicts" choosing. And by "choosing" I mean that the addict was remotely aware of what they were using and that it was potentially addictive. This kid didn't have that chance. He was smoking what is mainly a harmless drug. Unfortunately he was riding backseat while the devil was driving..

No fault of his. He probably trusted this acquaintance. Yet if its like most weed based relationships I've known about.... Let me back up and explain this term. Think of a weed based relationship as a booty call where instead of sex yall only together to smoke.. He probably only knew this acquaintance in the context of a haze of weed smoke and a bag of trail mix (don't judge me). That's it.

If you're gonna get in trouble. Be the ring leader.
If you're gonna rob a bank be a trigger man.
If you're gonna start a fight throw the first punch.
If you're gonna run a multi billion dollar company into the ground screwing thousands of employees and millions of investors out of their hard earned money be the president of the company.

Don't be the person who says I have no idea how i ended up here
Don't get quoted saying "They asked me to meet them in front of First Bank of Hood at 4:13pm exactly."
Don't be the cat getting sucker punched. (Simply because this cat typically ends up missing his front teeth and a few days of work.)
Don't be the junior assistant to the assistant of the VP of the President. (Yea you saw the memo's as they were going by and yet you knew what was happening but you said nothing. Now you're broke and unemployed and you never got a chance to live the good live.)

When the devils driving, ride shotgun... at least this way you ALWAYS know what you're getting into.

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