I'm gonna give this a shot today and see how it goes.
I started to talk about hood funerals and how the family of the worse non- church attending fools always want to have a proper burial for their deceased individual. Started to talk about how ignorant their request end up being and how everyone that comes up to give remarks be lying. He was such a good this and a great that. Then you get the preacher up their lying cause he has to. He doesn't know the person and can only go on what the family tells him.. I left that alone cause it basically boils down to, No matter what life you lead when you die, you're dead. You family should not use church to tell beautiful lies on you cause GOD KNOWS WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!..
Then I started to write about the Boston Bombing and all that transpired last week. Car chases, explosions gun shots all resulting in one dead domestic terrorist, another in custody 4 dead citizens hundreds injured. Then I thought about it, I'm gonna leave this one alone as well. Simply because there are some that believe that this was just a lie orchestrated by the U.S Government to scare us into a state of panic so that we'll give up more of our individual rights than we already have. Or there are those that think "If they were so smart to think up this plan and pull it off why didn't they have a back up plan." Those are two very equally absurd theories to a fucked up situation. Why couldn't it just have been two men pissed off at the country over what they consider as injustices done to others and wanted to exact their own measure of revenge on said country in the easiest and most direct way possible. That's just as absurd as the other two theories. What it all boils down to is, Regardless of what you believe really happened each theory is just as asinine as the other so the only thing that makes any sense is probably the simplest of the situations.
I gave a passing thought to discussing the recent strike of employees in downtown Chicago today. Basically a bunch of restaurant and retail workers walked off the job because they want more money. Minimum wage isn't cutting it anymore. Essentially you can't raise a family on minimum wage.. Wouldn't go here either cause this is a trap. Years ago jobs in retail were for high school kids or college kids. Individuals who had no responsibilities, or if any they were very miniscule. Now you have adults, college grads and senior citizens working these jobs. People who have mortgages debts and bills to pay. They've kicked the kids out of the jobs traditionally meant for them and now want higher pay. Nothings wrong with that, especially when you overlook the major fact that you're taking jobs from kids who will need the job experience later in life, forcing them to run the streets all day and night. And what is boils down to is, To get more you have to value yourself more. Use that job as a stepping stone to something else. Don't stay there and expect McDonald to put you in a new Cadillac. And if you've been there multiple years and you've been doing THE SAME THING then YOU need to spend some time doing some personal re-evaluations. Simply because you're letting them screw you and you're not getting paid properly for it.
So much on my mind but nothing to say.......
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