About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Customer is Always RIght.. To Fuck Off and Go Right To Hell

Everyone has had a bad customer service experience. We can't help it. We have to interact with them to achieve our goals. Hell its gotten to the point that no matter where you go, who you call, you've gotta go through customer service. They are, in many ways, gatekeepers.  

Now some of you are probably getting upset right now, just thinking about that last annoying customer service rep you had to interact with. Your blood is boiling as you think about the canned responses that they read to you whenever you made a statement. The hair on the back of your neck is standing on end's when you realize that they've repeated EVERYTHING you said. That they haven't even attempted to answer your question. THE AUDACITY OF THEM!!!! The SHEER GALL OF IT!!!!

And then BAM!!! They piss you off. They won't listen to what you're saying. Or if they listen they're rude and nasty and deliberately fuck up your account. And all you can do is snap on that rep. And from then on every customer service rep you talk to you've got an attitude. The minute they answer the phone you've got an attitude. You're combative and argumentative. And you think you're right...


Yea i said it.


What makes you think that you've got the right to call in and act like you're the ALMIGHTY?!?!? What right do you have to call and piss them off, just cause you got a 40 inch dildo sticking outta your ass?? HUH? You do realize that they didn't call you. You called them. So YOU need THEIR help!!!


They didn't call you. You called them.

You forgot your password 
You can't log into your computer
You lost your phone
You lost your dog
Where in the fuck does the customer service rep come into play??? OHHH that's right when YOU need help.

So do yourself a favor and eat a piece of humble pie and smoke the fattest joint you can find, and take a DEEEP breath before you call and relax. Cause you're the one who fucked up. Not them.

And also remember, the reason you get the Customer Service Rep from hell is because the last person they talked to had the 40 inch dildo shoved up their ass with no lubrication and took it out on them. So they in turn shit on your other wise already shitty day. If you're polite enough, maybe, JUST MAYBE, that rep will help and be kind and understanding while doing it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dear Bishop Eddie Long

I find it hard to stomach some of the things that are happening to the Church. I say to the Church simply because it is a living thing. It breathes, it moves, it gives live. Where else can someone go and be reborn. Washed of all their sins. Embraced for the man that they are and for the man they wish to become. With the rates of fatherless children ever increasing, where else can a little black boy go to find a father figure. I was blessed to have a man in my life. My father is still raising me to this day and I'm so grateful to have been blessed by GOD to have him as a father. Yet, my heart cries for those children who don't have that blessing. My heart used to rejoice when those young boys turned to the church to find some solace from a cruel world. A world where most young black men are born with two strikes. In the Church, they could find a father (on earth and in heaven), who would love them and nurture them.
The image, that I just painted, is fading. And I'd like to thank you for that.

As a Bishop, your job is to mentor, lead and protect your flock. You are to be a protector and defender of the Church and of its name. You are expected to be honorable and noble. These are expectations that your parishioners and supporters expect of you. They can't expect you to be prefect, you're human. You are bound to have flaws. They do however, deserve for you to be what your title demands you to be. A MAN OF GOD!!!

A man of GOD defends the church and protects its walls
A man of GOD protects its members and provides a safe haven for all.
A man of GOD does not run, nor hide.
A man of GOD does not abuse those under his wing.

Being a young black man, I can relate and possibly explain why some of the men in my demographic don't attend church. If you take away the one's who have a genuine dislike for anything organized and positive and the complete non believers there is still a significant number of young black men who would love to attend church. And just don't.  Your recent actions are not helping. You're actually contributing to the destruction of the black church from within.

Now I will admit, I'm not a follower, or parishioner of your church. I am however, a young black man, with a love of GOD who you've utterly offended. Be it you're Innocent or not. Homosexual, bisexual or not I could care less. I honestly believe that there is a place in GOD's heaven for homosexuals simply because the GOD I serve is a loving and forgiving one. I'm offended by the fact that you ran.

Flat out turned tail and ran.

What if David had decided that Goliath was just too big and quit?
What if Moses had said the Red Sea was to dangerous and looked for another way around?

You said you'd fight, and before the bell sounding the first round your were on your back.
As a black man there is no way I can respect you for that. If my father had told me he would fight and then, ran. I wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes again.

So this message is not for me. You're not my bishop and i'm not a member of your church. Yet as a member of THE CHURCH, as a young black man in THE CHURCH, I feel duty bound to say, your recent actions and the actions of those defending, you are a taint on the image of the black church.

Some women in Church will forgive you. Some older men in the Church, will forgive you. Some younger men, on the fence about going to Church, won't. Some young boys, who don't have a father figure, won't turn to the Church.

Thank you for that.

Some folks will read this and some of my other post and say "he's just got an ax to grind" or "where does he get off saying this." And I say this to them. I am a child of GOD. For all my faults and all my successes it is becaue of HE that I am who I am. I was made in HIS image and he knows my heart and my mind.

Rose Scented Bullshit

Originally when I started today I was gonna right out a list of holidays that I felt should be added to our calender of National holidays. In the middle of writing, it occurred to me that folks lie to themselves TO FUCKING MUCH. I mean some of the shit yall shovel and ask others to eat is enough to feed China for the next decade. I mean really, have you ever sat back and thought about some of the shit you hear folks tell you. Or the shit you read in the news...Its truly amazing. Here are some common lies folks tell.

I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU....BULLSHIT!!!! No one loves EVERYTHING about another person. Hell folks that are truly in love will tell you there are 2-3 things they hate about their significant other.  Folks who use this line are really up to some shit. And they are shoveling you this line just to hide the issue. Which is typically I've fucked up something major and I need to hide it or cushion the blow. Sad thing is, so many of yall FALL FOR IT!!!

He'll see the error of his ways... This is what the delusional chick will tell her girlfriends after her most recent man-fling drops her ass like a piece of flaming dog shit. If he left your ass stop whining about it. Pull up ya big girl drawls and get over it. YES you can be sad for a few days. YES you're allowed to mourn the death of the relationship. Don't be crying over the shit 6 months later. That's probably why he left your ass. Cause you DON'T GET OVER SHIT!!!!

Lies are a necessary part of some folks lives. Fucked up thing to say, I know. Yet its the truth. Some folks don't wanna accept the signs that are laid out right there in front of you. Some folks would rather have everything sugar coated and diluted so that it doesn't "hurt their wittle feelings". So you're either gonna be the recipient or the deliverer of some Rose Colored Bullshit. Until you wake up and realize that sometimes the truth is not that bitter of a pill to swallow.

Monday, June 13, 2011


"There are no good men left" has become the equivalent of "The man is holding me back." Remember that phrase ladies. Years ago, when racism was as blatant as the stretch marks on the strippers at Arnie's. Or about as blatant as the pimple on Nanny Mcphee's face. Or better yet when it was as blatant as the cum on the end of a chick chin in your favorite porn movie. That's the phrase some dudes would use when they were just totally shiftless and lacked any kind of motivation about changing their situation. "The Man this and the man that. Ladies, I'm sure as shit yall remember that phrase. Its was like nails on chalkboard every time you heard it wasn't it? Here you are attempting to be supportive of this brotha during his struggle and all he wants to do is sit around and do shit.... Well this post ain't about that. This is about this new shit some of yall wearing out like pair of 5 year old pumps with a broken heel.
"There are no good men left." Six words. Thats it. Six measly little funky ass bullshit words. And yall say them every damn chance yall get. Whenever you see someone cheat "There are no good men left". When the dude you was just talking to leaves and goes onto another pasture "There are no good men left". When he won't open the door for you, treat you to dinner with no strings attached, just do good by you "There are no good men left. Its either that or yall say all the good men are either gay, taken or in jail. STOP YO DAMN WHINING!!!

I'm gonna lay this out there flat out on the line, butt ass nekkid for all to see, read, understand analyze and criticize. Good men do exist. Great men exist. We just ain't checkin' for the bullshit you come with. Flat out. Point blank.

Now there are some women who (if they happen to read this) will say "Oh black men are just intimidated by strong independent black woman." or better yet "Black men just want a woman to do as they say and not be viewed as an equal." Just do me a favor and go suck it like Miami did. That's the shit yall tell each other and ya self when you're too afraid to look in the mirror and face the facts. Confidence, independence and a strong mind are the epitome of what makes a black woman sexy. Some of yall think you're strong independent and intelligent and yall ain't. Yall asses just is.

Someone answer these questions for me:
If there are no good men left, then I guess you ain't had no dick in ages?  Cause as a strong independent and intelligent sista I just KNOW you ain't settling for less.

If there are no good men left then who's fault is it? Ohhhh i forgot. They all gay, taken or in jail.

If there are no good men left, how is it your female counterparts of other races are having so much "success" with locating, identifying and stealing the hearts of good brothas. Ohh I know why cause they are more subservient and are willing to take all their bullshit right, RIGHT!!!


If every man YOU date does something to hurt you, or never lives up to your expectation. Never treats you right, Always cheats. Whats the common factor... ITS YOU!!!! I'm not saying you're a bad woman. Yet yo ass got some extra ripe shitty tendencies. And those tendencies are leading you to always have a front row seat at Bitter Bitch Central Theaters where the main feature is always There are no good men left.

Maybe its time for some women to take a LOOOOOONG hard look in the mirror and ask themselves some important questions. Do I know what a good man really is? Am I worthy? The fact that YOU think you're worthy, don't mean shit. Some of yall lie so damn much you don't know who you are anymore.

Good men exist. They are out there. We just hide in the shade and peek out around corners and watch what you doing. If i see that you gave the pussy up to Man man just cause he rocking a wife beater and got that thug vibe, why the fuck am I gonna pull out my shining armor and save yo ass?  Looks like you getting what you want just fine. Good men won't and I repeat WON'T step they Gentlemanly and chivalristic game up for trash. Or even worse, a sophisticated woman who thinks she's worthy but every time she opens her mouth some form of There are no good men left flies out. Good men are sick of hearing this bullshit.

Here are some tips
Stop bashing men. We're sick of you always bitching about the latest shit some man has done.
Stop thinking its always the man's fault when they don't approach you. Maybe you need to ask a close male friend what is it about you that's not doing what you expect.
Stop listening to the dreaded BITCH WITH NO MAN!!!! Don't front, either you're her or she's your best friend. She's never had a man, or a stable relationship with a man, but she KNOWS everything about how to avoid being hurt by a man. SHE'S THE QUEEN OF THE BITTER BITCHES.

You want a good decent hard working black man. Then stop taking a shit on him everytime he approach's you. Stop saying dumb ass shit like "He to nice." A nice guy will pull that weave and fuck you like a dog if you just stopped acting like a bitch long enough. And yea I said that too.

So there it is. Ladies yall have definitely flipped the script. Some men used to say the man is holding me down  and yall got upset and have changed the game. Now yall yelling there are no good men left. keep that shit flying outta ya mouths and you'll always have front row seats at the BBC. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vanishing acts

Sometimes I wish they weren't there. Not all of them. just certain aspects of them. I wish I could just put them all into a vat of acid and make them all disappear. Those idiotic, no clue having, immature ass dumb fucks who are as useful to society as a bag of dried dog shit. Nothing you say or do has any positive impact on society or or anyone around your. Can't you just vanish?

Every time something stupid occurs I'm sure they are there. And when I say stupid I mean STUPID!!! For example:
Arguing with someone who doesn't have a phone VIA THE PHONE!!!!  I mean really.

Calling someone, from someone else's phone, bitching and moaning about someone else blowing up the phone you used to call them. AND then, repeatedly calling someone else asking them to call the other person and tell them to stop calling the phone.(ITS A CELL PHONE TURN THE BITCH OFF!!!)

Being mad about everything when you don't have or own shit. Technically you should be the happiest person on the face of the fucking earth. YOU DON'T HAVE SHIT TO WORRY ABOUT. No bills, no taxes, all you gotta do is get up and go.

Always full of big plans. Sounding like the Black Eyed Peas I'm a do this and i'm a do that. less talk, more action.

These are not made up incidents. These are true stories and actual scenarios. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent. Simply because stupidity of this kind should not be masked. Also because I didn't use any names but that's beside the point.

Some days I just wanna close my eyes, click my heels three times and disappear. Other times I just wanna wish on a star and and wish they'd just
