About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rose Scented Bullshit

Originally when I started today I was gonna right out a list of holidays that I felt should be added to our calender of National holidays. In the middle of writing, it occurred to me that folks lie to themselves TO FUCKING MUCH. I mean some of the shit yall shovel and ask others to eat is enough to feed China for the next decade. I mean really, have you ever sat back and thought about some of the shit you hear folks tell you. Or the shit you read in the news...Its truly amazing. Here are some common lies folks tell.

I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU....BULLSHIT!!!! No one loves EVERYTHING about another person. Hell folks that are truly in love will tell you there are 2-3 things they hate about their significant other.  Folks who use this line are really up to some shit. And they are shoveling you this line just to hide the issue. Which is typically I've fucked up something major and I need to hide it or cushion the blow. Sad thing is, so many of yall FALL FOR IT!!!

He'll see the error of his ways... This is what the delusional chick will tell her girlfriends after her most recent man-fling drops her ass like a piece of flaming dog shit. If he left your ass stop whining about it. Pull up ya big girl drawls and get over it. YES you can be sad for a few days. YES you're allowed to mourn the death of the relationship. Don't be crying over the shit 6 months later. That's probably why he left your ass. Cause you DON'T GET OVER SHIT!!!!

Lies are a necessary part of some folks lives. Fucked up thing to say, I know. Yet its the truth. Some folks don't wanna accept the signs that are laid out right there in front of you. Some folks would rather have everything sugar coated and diluted so that it doesn't "hurt their wittle feelings". So you're either gonna be the recipient or the deliverer of some Rose Colored Bullshit. Until you wake up and realize that sometimes the truth is not that bitter of a pill to swallow.

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