About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Addiction Amy

.. may you rest in peace. I pray you  find the peace and balance that you were unable to find in life...

Its no secret that Amy Winehouse passed away a few days ago. Another "Great"  musician dead at the age of 27. Now i'll admit when my wife told me she dies my first words were "Oh Well." (GASPS) Don't act like you were really shocked that she'd been found dead. I mean really, are you REALLY that surprised??? Lets look at a few things.

Yes she was a talented musician
Yes she was a tortured soul
Yes she was a human being
Yes she was an addict.
Yes she'd attempted rehabs but she never stayed

My heart goes out to her family and her friends because she's no longer on this earth. Yet the realist in me stops right there. Simply because there was only ONE outcome to her life based on the current trajectory it was on. Death. Now some will say she could have turned it around, she could have sought help and gotten better. And that's true, she could have. That would have resulted in the trajectory of her life changing.  Sending her in a different direction.One with a cleaner and brighter outcome. One where, a death so young, would have been avoided. Alas this is not the case.

So where does that leave us?

Death is always a monumental event. We should learn something from every person's death. Although I did not know Amy Winehouse her death did touch me. Even the realist in me. She had a disease that many people struggle with. She was an addict. Plain and simple. Its not pretty its not glamorous. Its a fact. She lost that fight. Yet others don't have to. If you are an addict and you seek help please ask for it. If you know an addict who is seeking help please help them. Don't force them into anything. Don't turn your backs or close your eyes. Too many people support the disease and not the cure. If there is an addict reading this and you need help, or a friend send me a message or call 1-800-662-HELP. 

Addiction is disease that can be helped. Lets pitch in and do our part.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Fallacy of the Reciprocity of Expectations

I read something today that got me to thinking. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The golden rule as its been called. This statement has always been the tenet of an upright and moral life. And who wouldn't want to live like this. I mean really. If i do you a turn you should do me a turn, as the phrase goes. Right!?! We all deserve the treatment we get from others I mean if I've never done you wrong why should you do me wrong. This is a comment sentiment, right? RIGHT!?!?!

We expect reciprocity, don't we. I mean as human being's its in our nature to expect it. Oxford dictionary defines it as "the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another."  Now if you don't like this definition, cause it seems harsh, look at it this way. Favor and revenge are different versions of reciprocity. Get it now. Now this statement is an admiral statement to live by, except we over look a key 

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Reciprocity is IMPLIED but its not STATED or DEMANDED...  Just because you loan me $5 doesn't when I needed it doesn't  mean I'll loan you $5 when you need it. You did as the book said you did unto me, as you would have me do unto you. Perfect. Your job is done. Don't expect that kindness to be repaid. If you're only being kind because you expect others to be kind to you, well, you're living a lie. Yea I said it. you're living a LIE!! Do it because its WHO YOUR ARE, not because you hope to have someone return the favor when it's your turn. That's selfishness. 

Think about it! The ultimate acts of genuine kindness are those acts when they are done JUST BECAUSE. That friend that treated you to dinner, or the wife that bought you the new book by your favorite author, just because. This is the true embodiment of doing unto others. You do it cause you would HAVE them do the same for you, but you don't expect it. If you understand and accept that some people will do things only for personal gain, you'll learn a very valuable thing. When you do for someone just cause its WHO you are, the universe will pay you back in kind. 

Give with an open heart, and your blessings will follow. They won't necessarily be repaid in the same fashion, yet trust in the fact that it will be repaid  You give someone money, just consider it gone. In time you'll get a gift for the same amount and possibly more. That's RECIPROCITY!! God will bless you for the sake that you DID it from the goodness of your heart. The lord loves a cheerful giver. Doing unto others as you would have them due unto you is the greatest form of being a cheerful giver. So the next time you get ready to do something for someone ask your self "Am I expecting anything in return? or "Am I'm doing it just because I want to."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kiss it, Rub it Suck it, Fuck it... Don't cut it.

I've been MIA for a while. I apologize. I've been doing some mental remodeling and had to take some time away from the keyboard to get things sorted out. Now, on to then good shit.

Yesterday the wife and her friend told me about a story of a jilted ex-wife or soon to be ex wife who one upped Lorena Bobbit. Not only did she cut it off. She tossed it in the garbage disposal........Yep.. His Tally Wacker, his third leg, his schlong, johnson and any other name you wanna call it. She just cut it off and tossed it in the garbage disposal. AND SHE WAS PROUD SHE DID IT!!!!

Ladies, ladies ladies. This shit has GOT TO STOP!! Just cause he did you wrong don't mean you gotta attack the jimmy. Cutting a man's dick off is not the way to go. Dicks are meant for caressing, sucking and fucking. Cutting is in no way acceptable I mean really.What does it prove? What satisfaction do you get out of cutting his dick off??

My wife, God bless her soul and her girlfriend (girl give that man what he wants so he'll stop stalking you) are two women who disapprove of this method. And I thank them for it.Simply because if I discovered that they in any way supported this time of genital abuse i'd have to divorce them both. All I know is its time to stop the madness. Fellas, its time we put an end to this shit. There are some women out there who think that this is OK  We all know one. She's the one who thinks that if a man does her wrong she's within her right to exact her revenge in any way she see's fit. Even, taking a knife to a mans best friend. IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!

So to combat this trend. I propose the following.
Whenever a woman does a man wrong, cut her tit's off. That's right just lop them floppy boys right off her damn chest. YEA I SAID IT!!! LOP!!!.  Men we need to show some solidarity on this issue. I will support a lot of things but I can't support the cutting off of dicks.  Knives and dicks don't mix.

I know this is a bullshit post but I had to write about something.