About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fed Up!!!

Hey world, its been a while. I know most folks could care less about what I write in these pages. Yet alas it's really not for you. It's for me. For my peace of mind. For my piece of sanity that I hold on to during my existence on this planet. I write because it's cathartic. This is my medication and my meditation. If I happen to pass along some morsel of information of news that touches you and brightens your day GREAT!!! If not that is GREAT as well. This just means that I'm not your cup of tea. To each their own.

The few of you who've read my posts in the past may remember that about 5-6 months back I took the plunge into a healthier lifestyle. I had gastric surgery back in Sept.. No this post will not be an update regarding my progress. I get the questions all the time how do I look and how do I feel. I'll probably share more details along that track a little later.

So if I'm not writing to update you on that aspect of my life, what pray tell could be so important (used EXTREMELY LOOSELY) that I'm dusting off these keys to express myself..... Well it's this disturbing bit of news.

Go head.. Let it digest for a second.....
I'll wait for you to finish scratching your heard and yelling at the screen...

You better yet??
Now I shall begin..

Let me re-establish several facts about who I am as an individual. The following things have been previously established (via past posting)

1. I do not have kids that are naturally mine.I have 2 step kids, a grandson and a host of god kids and other young ones that I look out for.

2. I'm an educated black man.

3. I'm prone to be long winded when I'm wound up..
Now if ANY of those things don't agree with you...I suggest you leave now..

Not having any children of my own I will admit there is a whole gamut of child rearing things that I'm not knowledgeable to. For a lot of parents raising a child is a hands on learning experience. Many of you don't have relationships with those that raised you to turn to for advice. Many have lost their parents before they their first born arrived. For them raising their children is based on books..

Then there is the other side. Those that have elders to nurture and educate them as they nurture and educate their little ones. This is extremely important in black families.I can't speak on any other cultures cause I'm just one black man. We're a very hands on culture. We're very nurturing and loving. Contrary to the media reports that are shown we're not all savages..And yes a lot of times we rely on old tactics  to help with child rearing.. I've heard a TON of wild and crazy shit. NEVER HAVE I EVER HEARD OF GIVING BLEACH TO ANY LIVING THING!!!

I 'm glad the baby is recovering well. My heart goes out to the young father.. Although the story is brief and doesn't go over anything of substance, at least he's attempting to care for his child.. I'm not one to go lightly but I won't bash him for his fathering attempts.. The fact that this kid ACTUALLY BELIEVED the person who told him this shit is where my issue is.

This kid is clueless about life. Sorry, let me correct that. He's clueless period..I'm gonna leave him alone. Simply because by giving his child bleach he's telling me (I'm no professional) that either A) he has no support system at home to help raise this child. B) he's lacking some sort of basic logical reasoning skills. My issue begins at the 14 sec mark of the news clip.


That's my gripe.. That's what burning my ever shrinking ass. Out of all of the shit that I've ever heard to do for a child, this is a first. I'm fucking dumbfounded, flabbergasted and down right confused.. I'm so far done that I'm ending this now............. THAT'S JUST HOW FAR GONE I AM!!!..

Bleach to a child.....

Who in the fucking hell has ever heard of a thing....

And his ole simple ass believed her....

He's arrested and she's probably someplace telling her kids that it's ok to let Pastor Joney rub your bare bottom in his office, he a man of the cloth.. Or worse, you can have beer and a crack pipe for breakfast.

Damn idiots.....I'LL BE BACK

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