WAKE THE FUCK UP AND GET A CLUE!!! If you didn't know this about be (I hope there are some readers who I don't know personally) I'm black...... SHOCKING isn't it. A Black Man who can actually articulate a thought that's not related to a big ass, a blunt or malt liquor. A black man who doesn't have 4.5 kids who he has NO interaction with (I LOATH THOSE FUCKERS TO THE DEPTHS OF MY SOUL). I'm a black man with a college degree. I roll with black men with college degrees. I've got two siblings with college degrees. If you're missing the point I'm educated. No I'm not the smartest person I know. Hell I may actually be the dumbest person I know. I'm no scholar nor close to the intellectuals that Cornell West and Henry Louis Gates are. I'm just me.
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As I've stated I'm no scholar, yet to me being black is NOT merely about my skin color.Its about the my history. Its about understanding, recognizing, and realizing that we are a people born of struggle. A people that have come a long way from Africa. We've endured the middle passage and slavery. Oppression and Jim crow. We WERE the civil rights movement. Our history is littered with the bodies of our forefathers who died so that we could do what, stand on the corner!!! GIVE ME A FRIGGING BREAK!!!!! You fucks are doing your damnedest to set us back. Us hard working Blacks that get up and go to school or work a 9-5. Us hard working blacks that appreciate the joys of ownership. Us hard working blacks who AIN'T YOU!!! I wish I had an immediate answer as to how we save you all from the depths of idiocy and ignorance that you are currently doomed to live. Some will say pray and that's fine. Prayer works, prayers changes (HALLELUJAH!!!!! insert song and praise dance here). And I will continue to pary for you all that are already there almost beyond hope. Yet praying isn't always enough. we have to take action to break the cycle

This is gonna sound cruel but its true, some folks spend more time on their hair, nails, cars, weed, clothes, jump shot or burgeoning music career than they do with their children.Get up off your decked out, always dressed in some name brand clothes by a designer (sometimes racist) who doesn't care about your black ass and enjoy your kids. There's nothing like helping a child learn, watching that light of understanding as it burns in their eyes when they finally discover that they can do it. Stop spending your time watching some ignorant ass reality TV show EVERY DAMN DAY and spend a few hours reading with them. Go to a park, show them the wonders of a LIBRARY!!
For our Daughters
When we raise our baby black girls to be young black girls who grow into Strong, Beautiful, Intelligent Black Women we show them that those fools on the corners, the ones I started off talking about. really aren't shit. They are really just blemishes on the face of society. We begin to break the cycle. They will understand that if I do have a child I DON'T want them to either look like or be attracted to that ignorance. They will have instilled in them a sense of decency and understand. An upright and righteous moral code.
For our Sons
Wee need to stop PRODUCING this shit. Stop allowing little boys to be terrors. Teach them to respect women. You think its cute that you lil man man got an ear ring at 3 years old. Yet when he's 15 and won't do shit you say you got an attitude. He's stealing from your purse and he's got 3 girls pregnant. If you had taken time when he was a toddler and groomed him to be a decent respectable little boy he wouldn't have made you a grandmother at 33. You wouldn't have to lock your purse up when you go into YOUR house. Raise him better than you were raised.

I end this missive with this. Black Men and Black Women need to come together and raise our children again. As a unit. It doesn't necessarily have to be the birth mother or father of the child. Nevertheless the child needs to have a POSITIVE point of reference in their lives of what a man and a women really is.Stop Producing garbage. And start raising Black Kings and Black Queens.

You took the words right out of my mouth, keep up the good work my brother!