About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Loving Hatred

As I get older, I've learned that not much surprises me anymore. I've been called a cynic and yea that's part of it. OK I'm lying, that's a HUGE part of it. Hell I've been an asshole since I was a kid. I'm so much of an asshole my mother said to my girlfriend " You do know that he's an asshole right. Are you SURE you wanna deal with him." Those are the words my mother, the woman who birthed me told a complete stranger, to her. The girlfriend later became the love of my life and decided she would be my wife. (Pray for her cause she needs it. I mean, I'm not all there mentally and too much there physically. OK now back to what was really to be the reason for this post. Over the weekend two female friends who are very dear to me despite space and time both had a run in with someone via Facebook. Said individual has let it be known in no uncertain terms that he HATES homosexuals. He also let it be known that he really doesn't care too much for the two lovely ladies (HEY YALL) who had opinions other than his. Well let me be the first to say that as a United States citizen he has the right to say anything that he wants to say. That is one of the founding tenets of this vast and great(well sometimes great) country we live in.

Now what does all that have to do with the price of tea in China right? Well its the matter of hate that bugs me. How can you hate an entire group of folks who've done NOT ONE DAMN THING TO YOU!!! I mean give me a break. To say you hate homosexuals cause they like to sleep with folks of the same sex is tantamount to saying I hate new born babies. I mean WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU!!! Were you the victim of some random grab ass by a gay guy? Did a queen hit on you in the club? I mean WHAT!!?!?!?!?!? Did you pick up some chick only to take off her dress and get smacked in the mouth my 13 inches of dick? I just wanna know what you've got against the sexual community. And when I say you, I don't mean him, in particular(cause I didn't care to much for his ass in high school and I could care less now) I mean all those with hate in their heart towards the Rainbow Nation? Explain it to me cause this fat boy here is lost as to a clear cut reason for the level of hatred that some folks carry towards the gay community. Some will pull the bible out of their, bags, purses, back packs, e-book or cell phone and say "In the book it says" this and that. Well it also says in the book Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;" The book also teaches us to love each other as he loved the Church. So to use the Bible to justify hatred sounds like something that is one step below the radical teachings of some other religious groups HMMMMM!!!!!(food for thought).

So with all that said (shit this is turning out to be much longer than even I expected it to be) I just want to say GET OVER IT!!!! If you hate homosexuals for some perceived slight that they never even visited upon you then just get a fucking life. They don't care and those like me just sit back and look at you and say REALLY!! You feel that strongly about them and I'm sure you've NEVER had one that you can call a friend. I mean a good close friend. I count myself as lucky, (here comes the cliche ) as someone who has gays and lesbians as some of my closest friends. I'll go one step further, I've hugged a GAY MAN before. He didn't grab my ass and he didn't get excited that we were hugging (least i don't think he did). Its not a disease, its not communicable hell, its not even a choice. YEA I said it, its not a choice It's who they are. So accept it. You don't have to like what they do in the bedroom. Just like you may not like being tied to the bed and having hot candle wax dripped on your nipples. Hell I'm sure the thought of hetero sex is appalling to them.

We as Americans are entitled to free speech. As adults I hope we learn and continue to learn that we can have conversations and discuss our likes and dislikes without all the hatred and vitriol that takes over much of the discourse we have.

To the two ladies that had the encounter with said individual always remember this, his opinions and words are his own personal feelings about this issue and about how he feels about you. Don't give him the power to make you unhappy or uncomfortable. Most importantly remember that God loves you both and so do I. And to those with hate in their hearts, I may not like you but I love you all the same. May God bless you and keep you in his loving mercy.


  1. I love you toooooooooooo!!!! Mwaaaah

  2. I think you know where I stand on this, and you might remember the letter I wrote to your RA at State in regards to a friend of mine who was spewing the same kind of hatred. Although I am not religious, my favorite (and most relevant) quote from the Bible is "Nothing can separate us from the love of God." Funny how the haters pick and choose what rules they want to follow.
