About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Remember 11:08 pm

Sept 21st, 2011 at 11:08pm the State of Georgia, executed Troy Davis. A man convicted of murdering an off duty police officer in Savannah, Ga on August 19th, 1989.I won't rehash or go over the details of  his case. Most people know of it. If you don't click here. The link will take you to a wiki about the incident.

Let me just put this out there now an say it. Troy Davis, was lynched. Yep, umm hmm I said it. This was a legally sanctioned, court approved, supreme court backed lynching. Now for those not in the know, lynching's were the "punishment" of choice down south, back in the day when a nigger did something wrong. Yea, that's a harsh way of putting it but you've read some of my other posts (hopefully) I'm a tell it like it is guy. They ALWAYS involved a black man who was accused and convicted (convicted not in the legal sense) of some crime for which there was no physical proof. Only the WORD of someone else. Now let that marinate for a second... 

Its not about the fact that he may have been Innocent. I'm not a lawyer nor have I read the transcripts.Nor am I a judge. i can't determine guilt or innocence on half the facts.

It's not because he's a black man being executed in a traditionally racist state.

It's not even because it was the "NEW BLACK MOMENT" to follow as I'm sure some will later call this entire event. 

I'm pissed because this man was killed because he couldn't afford a high priced attorney to represent him the way he deserved.

I'm pissed because it took something like this for people to realize that racism is still alive.

I'm fucking pissed because when I read the news, you've got to struggle to find mention of this case. No media attention was brought to this injustice.

I'm REALLY FUCKING PISSED because out of 9 witness' 7 of them recanted their stories. 3 juror's stated that if they'd been presented the evidence that was available today they would have ruled differently. Yet the courts could have cared less.

I'm SUPREMELY PISSED because a black man was LYNCHED by the fucking legal system that is supposed to protect us and defend our rights. 

I'm UBER PISSED cause he was executed while doubt still remained. He wasn't asking to be let free. He wanted another chance to prove his innocence in light new evidence and the change in witness statements. 

A black man, convicted of a crime, on someone else's word. That's why I am pissed about this.

Doubt, a noun, meaning a feeling of uncertainty or conviction. Unsure, or you just don't know. Either way, to take a man's life, while there is doubt. Is just wrong..

So Troy Davis, lost his battle. And for his loss he's moved on to a better place. Let us not lose the war. We must continue to fight the fight. Let's us always remember 11:08 pm

1 comment:

  1. SO many people feel the same way about this.

    I kept getting angrier and angrier yesterday from the lack of media coverage. The only way to get any information about what was happening was by following the Twitter stream.

    I can't even find the words to express my disgust at the entire situation... It is an absolute travesty and a total failure of justice.
