About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I'm hear to educate some women folks on what it means to keep a MAN happy. Most of yall function on the theory of a man wants a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets. Yea I won't lie, we do. Yet I bet this term was coined by either a woman or a single man. Simply because this statement is so frigging narrow minded and tunnel visioned that ONLY someone WITHOUT experience in a stable and successful relationship with women could have thought of it.

There are plenty of Men who've got a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets and but they ain't happy.. Some of you may question "How is that possible? Isn't that all men need?" Ladies, ask your self this question, "Were you not that lady and that freak and he STILL left you?" Most will answer yes. And hears one of the reasons he left. YOU AIN'T HAVE SHIT ELSE GOING!!!
You don't cook, clean, wash dishes fold clothes, can't talk about current events, can't change a tire. All you can do is fuck. And you do that mighty damn finely. Yes you're a lady in the streets. A fucking dumb one. You look good in that mirror don't you. Yet you're the last one to get every joke and most days you never hear the birds that chirp everytime someone ask's you a question.

Now some of you will read this and be like "Ohh thats not me. I've got a great job. I've got a bachelor's degree from yada yada university. I've got my own crib. My own car. My own money. I don't need no man to complete me." Good, be that chick. So when your car breaks down, push that shit into the lot ya damn self. When you got a busted pipe call that plumber to fix it for you. When you need that orgasm, gone head and break out ya B.O.B (ya vibrator for you folks that don't know). Simply becasue you're attitude sucks shitty monkey nuts and no self respecting man wants a woman as controling and castigating as you're apt to be. Its great to have your own. Men truly love a woman who has her own yet when a woman is so INTO having her own she's liable to shit on any man she's with.

I can hear it now. Some place there's a woman reading this (i mean i've only got 5 readers on a good week anyway 2 of which are probably women)  saying uhh, i don't fit either one of these examples. "I don't care what he does. I don't care where he goes or who he's with. As long as he pays my bills I could care less." I'm not gonna dwell too much on this one simply becasue she can't keep a man happy cause SHE DON'T CARE.

How can you make your man happy? How do you keep him happy?

Communicate and congraulate him. Let him know when he's doing great things for you. That you appreciate the things he does for you. Talk to him about his day. Even when yours was supremely shitty. Life it hard, especially for a black man. We have to deal with society always dealing us two strikes when we leave the house. We don't need our women shitting on us even more when we come home.

Caress and cuddle with him.  jump into his lap and just talk for a few minutes. Don't always wait for him to be the agressor. Show him you love him. Any woman can fuck your man, only you can love him.

Put the independent woman status on hold for a day or so. Yes we love an independent woman, yet we also love a woman who can ACT as if she needs a knight in shining armor. Let him do things to help you. Hell subtly make him do things for you. Its called manupulation and all women, ALL WOMEN, do it.  Don't let the singers screw up your head. They all make it seem like its great being independent. It is, yet don't let you over dependency on being independent translate into lonliness. Here's a lil hint. Men like a woman with a tad bit (just a small amount of neediness). It lets us know you want us around for more than just a fuck.

Most importantly let him be him. You can't control what he's gonna do or who he should be friends with. If he has female friends become friends with those female friends. If he looks at something appealing let him look. He's with you not dead. Besides yall do the shit. And let one of yall say you don't.  If Brad Pitt or Boris "don'tdatebiggirls" Kudjo came around shirtless yall would drool like a dog over a steak. So don't front. Besides he might be looking and comparing her to you.

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