About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Reality TV isn't reality at all. The only real shit on them are the fucking commercials.

Beauty is skin deep, only when ugly folks complain to much.

Single women rely heavily on their independence. Until they need help.

Being married is a gift and a curse. Gift being you always have somebody. Curse is you always have somebody.

Beyonce is not the best singer around.

Men and women can be friends, without sex being involved. Those who say differently are just pissed cause they had a friend they hit on and they got turned down.

A fuck is a beautiful thing.

Head is mandatory in a relationship. If you don't someone else will.

Treat each day of life like a battle in a war. Strive to win each day the best way you know how. 

Just cause you're dumb that's no reason to be an asshole. It's not the worlds fault you're dumb.

Being too smart may result in an ass whipping at one point in your life.

Food fights in school were great. Unless you wore your good clothes or got caught starting it.

Late term abortions should be legal. Why can't I kill that dumb ass 25 year old who got my order wrong.

Intelligent Black men are a dying breed :(

Men: Always have a wing man. You never know when you need someone to flirt with the ugly girl in the group.

Ladies: Always have a BFF (or whatever the fuck yall call her) so yall don't go outside looking like your coochie ain't been washed since the Resurrection. Unless she looks like her's ain't been washed since the day GOD took a rest.

Leggings ain't for everyone

The White Tee fad is dead (take yo ass out and get a job)

The perpetually unemployed are always "TO GOOD" to work at McDonald's. Hell fast food workers are more respected than your always unemployed ass.
Can you tell I was bored.

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