About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Excuse Me, Bitch!!!!!

I was raised to be respectful of everyone. right up until they do some shit to negate that respect. I wasn't a punk. I just respected the fact that you were a human being with your own issues. So if i encroached on your personal space, lets say, on the bus. I would respond with a will placed excuse me. Just my way of apologizing. Now ask yourself when was the last time you said excuse me to someone in public while encroaching into their personal space as you passed them... Now if you're one of those folks who will bump into folks before saying excuse me when passing them and NEVER utter an apology this Excuse Me, Bitch is for you.

So starting now, when ever someone bumps into you on the bus, in the mall, in the parking lot or even coming out the door. If they don't say excuse me, just say, Excuse Me, Bitch. Now for those of you who are kinda frail looking or don't know how to fight I strongly suggest you say this in the comfort of your car or even waaaaaay under your breath. Cause these are fighting words. Yet again, maybe its time to fight. We've given up common decency and good manners in our rush to be the ultimate self centered pricks. You aren't the end all be all of the world. So fuck it lets fight. And once you whip they ass lean over them and say where'smy EXCUSE ME, BITCH!!!!!

And if you get yo ass whipped, stand up, and spit right on they shoe and say, EXCUSE ME, BITCH. Then run like hell. Ain't no need in taking two ass whippins in the same day. THATS OVERKILL.


  1. Damn, so I shouldn't mean mug them anymore? LOL!

  2. Ok so I thought of you today because of this rant on manners and how nobody has any decency anymore. On my drive home, there was an elderly woman with a walker trying to cross a wide, very busy intersection. An able-bodied solitary woman was crossing at the same time in the same direction. Do you know she went AROUND the old lady and rushed across the street without even looking back to see if the old woman made it across safely or if she needed help?? How do people do shit like that?
