About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Friday, April 29, 2011

A gift, for you

This is a total divergence from my normal stuff so for my frequent readers be patient. This is gonna be mushy.

A few years ago I was blessed to meet, date and ultimately marry the woman of my dreams. For me its truly been a blessing having her in my life.  For her though, i'm sure its been pure hell. I mean she married me.. I'm crass, rude, loud mouthed and I tend to tell the truth. So when she ask "Baby, does this dress make my ass look fat." I'm gonna say "HELL YEA IT DOES!!! Wear more like it." I mean really, what brotha doesn't like a fat ass?  So for her I'm sure its been a lesson in patience and torture.

Yet day in and day out she endures it. All the hell I put her through, and all the pain that she's experiences on a daily basis. She puts up with it all. Never cries (or when she does its never for long). Never quits. She's my fighter. And I love her all the more because of it. So on this day, your birthday I share these words with you. From the heart. These are not Hallmark words nor are they taken from some obscure rarely read heretofore unheard of book. This is an original. Like you.

Every night a part of me cries. 
In remembrance of all that we have shared.
Every night a part of me cries.
As I accept the fact, that another day has passed.
Another day gone by. Fading into forever.

Every night a part of me cries. Cause I have lost a day to be with you. And for this simple fact a part of me cries.

Every morning I sing, and praise HIS name.
Cause he has blessed me with you.
As my love, as my wife.
Every morning I smile, and i'm ever so thankful
for you are the reason i'm eternally grateful.
So Every night I die and every morning I sing
and you are the reason for both of these things.

Every day that passes is one less, and every day that dawns is one more with you. So every night I cry and ever day I sing. For the simple fact of the joy you bring. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY. I hope I make you as happy as you've made me the past two years.

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