About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Joy of Being Me

I've come to realize a very important fact about myself.

People must really like me.

When I walk down the street,  if someone is coming towards me they move to the side. Especially folks of other races. They especially do it. I mean they practically fall over them selves to give me space. I also think they realize I don't like folks in my personal space. When we get on an elevator they all move to one side. At first I thought my deodorant wasn't working to well then I realized that I smell like roses. So they must ALL know about my personal space issue. Hey, more room for me right.

Also lets not forget if I get on a bus. If their bags are in a seat and I blink POOF!!! Those bags are gone and a seat miraculously opens up for me. Then its the personal space issue cause the min I sit down they cower into the corner. One poor lady must have been sick with the flu. She was shivering like it was 20 below on the bus. Yet it was 90 degrees outside.

Being me, gets even better. When I go into some restaurants. My server waits until they've serviced all their other tables before coming to me. She wants me to have her undivided attention. Now isn't that just nice. I JUST NOTICED I'VE GOT A PERSONAL ARMED ESCORT!!! Shopping in malls has gotten so danger sous these days so it helps ease my mind when I look over my shoulder and notice that there is a security guard watching everything I do. He even followed me when I went into the changing room. Well not quite. He didn't go in with me. Just stood off to the side protecting me. It was so nice. I felt safe.

Even driving home, the police stop me just to make sure the car is mine. Those officers. Always looking out for me. That's the 10 time this week I've been asked that question by them. I'll have to remember to donate to the FOP later this year. I'll have to make sure to ask them what to make of the letters I keep getting. One was a letter saying take the slow boat back to Africa. (I've always wanted to take a cruise). Another was a a picture of a raccoon with my name written underneath. (Cute animals but not good pets).

Oh well, I'm just glad to be me. A black man in America. The land where racism is dead....(insert side eye here)


  1. Wow. Lucky you!

    Hubby used to get pulled over every time he drove our shitty car through West L.A. to work. That's the good thing about the LAPD. They love everybody!

    Did I mention I can drive 15 over with expired tags through Beverly Hills and they wave at me?

  2. Damn, I guess I'm the most person in the world!
