About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Friday, May 27, 2011


..... and all the rest. Ain't nothing like letting a good one rip.Just try it. Think of something that REALLY pisses you off. Like being cut off in bumper to bumper traffic. An extra long wait at the crack house (Starbucks) only to find out they don't have the ingredients for your morning fix. Stubbing your toe. You pissed yet, OK now yell with me SHITDAMNMOTHERFUCKINGBITCHASSCUNT. I bet you feel so much better now don't you.. I know you do. Curse words are stress relievers. That's what I love about them. A perfectly executed FUCK will make you feel so much better. Yet here's my question. Why are these words so bad?

What genius decided to say that words that give us so much pleasure should be deemed as curse words? What silly ASSHOLE decided that I can't FUCKING call someone else an ASSHAT when they've pissed me the FUCK off. How else am I going to let that MOTHERFUCKER know I'm pissed the fuck off. Seriously. For example, let say someone borrows your car with out permission and then they total it. I'm talkin that joint is TRASHED. Which is gonna make you feel better saying. "I'm upset with what you did." or "I'M PISSED THE FUCK OFF YOU DID SOMETHING THIS FUCKING STUPID. YOU ASSHOLE."

. Hell if you think about it. Why should we ban words that give us pleasure. We aren't hurting anyone else with a well placed SHITTY ASS BASTARD dropped into the conversation. Are we. Well if you're the bastard in question you might get offended but that's your own damn fault. Stop being a bastard and the tag will be removed.

So back to my original question. Who gave that BITCH the right to say what words should be listed as profane? On who's authority was that decision based. Cause i didn't get a vote. There are words that are clearly more hurtful and unappealing to the ears.


And the list goes on and on. Whenever you hear those words you immediately cringe. They cause you to have thought of all the evil and bad things in this world. FUCK doesn't do that. When you hear that word doesn't it make you think of anything bad. You don't cringe and hide. Hell depending on when you hear it you may get a hard on or a wet spot in your panties. You know I'm right.

So the next time a  Wigger who also happens to be your Baby Daddy/Momma comes to you and says. "You know I actually like the swagger of Limbaugh and Palin and I think the IRS should raise taxes. I also think the reason for the high gas prices is due to the unemployment rate of all the niggers in this county. Who I hate with all of my swagged out soul."

Your response can be
"I agree"
"I disagree"
Or "
Get your motherfucking bitch ass outta here with that bullshit you ignorant ass bastard."

Which makes you fell better AND gets your point across at the same time.

My name is SardonicRhetoric and I approve of this message.

1 comment:

  1. FUCK yeah!!!
    Lol. Nice Post.
    FUCKING loved it! ;)

    PS My little word verification thingy is "wores." Not kidding.
