About Me

Chicago, Il, United States
I'm a simple man from the city of wind as we so lovingly call it. For those that don't know i'm talking about CHICAGO. My home, my world, my town. I'm crass, i'm rude, and i'm disgusting. Yet i'm also very spiritual, loving and down to earth. Above all i'm honest.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

At The Close Of The Day

Here we are once again. Preparing to ring in another year. Good bye 2011.. Hello 2012.. I can smell the Black Eyed Peas right now as they cook in the pot. The Mrs. is making peach cobbler and some gumbo to round out this meal. 2012 is already shaping up to be a great year and it hasn't even gotten here yet. 

Now on to the tomfoolery. I'm here today to talk to you about resolutions.. You know those things that y'all make every year about what you're gonna do different in the new year. You read right. I said Y'ALL. I don't make em. Never have and never will. Simply because if you live your life the way you should EACH and EVERY day you wouldn't need resolutions.  So I'm not promising to be nicer to people, to stop being brutally honest or even less ass-holey.. Nope not gonna happen. 

So as usual, Facebook (CIIIC), Twitter (@xxciiicxx) and the rest of the cyber world has blown up with all these post about resolutions. Folks saying things like I'm gonna do this differently and I'm gonna do that. The one that gets me is those folks who say, 2012 is the year I end all my toxic relationships....

Now think about that for a second. You're gonna end your toxic relationships...THE NEXT CALENDER YEAR... Not today. Not last week. You're gonna end them in 2012... YOU'RE A FUCKING LIAR... Yea I said it. You're lying to everyone and worst of all you're lying to your damn self. What the hell are you waiting for?? You've said it yourself. The relationship is TOXIC.... What damn reason can you POSSIBLY have for deliberately staying in a relationship you, yourself claim is toxic.

What you need to be making a resolution to do is USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN MORE!!! How about that shit. Can someone explain to me this logic? You know this relationship isn't good for you. You've admitted that its toxic, yet you're gonna stay in it longer than you have to.. How about this, let me take a shit on a plate and feed it to you. I bet you won't eat that would you.. Why cause its shit.. THAT'S WHY!!! Yet you'll wait till 2011 ends to decide to end a TOXIC relationship... Damn fool you..

Here's what you're really gonna do. You're gonna get rid of THAT toxic relationship and replace it with another on. Simply because you're not going to do anything different than what you did the last time. Instead of making a resolution to change YOU and YOUR MENTAL attitudes you're gonna make a resolution to get rid of others cause they are toxic...  Not yo simple minded ass. 

So for 2012 maybe your resolution should be "I'm gonna tell myself the truth more." Cause if you keep lying to ya self you're 2012 is gonna turn out as fuck up as your 2011 was.. And how do I know your 2011 was fucked up.. Well, because you waited until 2012 arrived to get rid of toxic relationships. Meaning you were in one in 2011.. 


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chasing Santa....Lying Clause

A week of more ago, a reporter on one of our local news stories made a SHOCKING acknowledgement. One that cause people to get severely pissed and offended.  I mean it was so bad she had to issue an apology the next day for what she said. She admitted, at 9:45 pm, on a school night, that.... There is no Santa Claus...or something to that affect. 

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!! The world momentarily stopped, parents had to scramble and do damage control and tell kids another fabricated story to cover the damage that was done by this stupid reporter.. Opening her big ass mouth. HOW DARE SHE SAY THAT!!!

Wait a second. She's a reporter, who told the truth. Reporter, truth. Truth, reporter. Yea somehow that relationship works. As it should. She made a factual statement, during the evening news (9:45 pm). And yet this is somehow wrong...

Some will say that since I'm not a parent, I don't "understand" the desire to keep kids Innocent and pure of heart and mind. To all that feel this way. Well, screw you. Just because I don't have kids doesn't mean I don't understand this desire parents have.. It just means I get to sleep at night while you're more than likely arguing with your child about why they have to go to sleep at 8:30.

Which brings me to my point... SLEEP... I know i know, that was the worlds worst segue, sorta like having a dream about Paula Patton who changes into Sha-na-na. Its just that damn bad but fuck it. I'm writing this and that's how my brain is working right now. You know this so sit back, read and enjoy. Now where was I..

Sleep, which is where those damn kids shoulda been. I do not understand how parent's have the fucking audacity to be upset than a reporter told the truth on the news. It's not her job to perpetuate the lie that parents and marketing guru's have kept going for centuries. If you wanna go with the "idea" that Santa represents love and caring of your fellow man during this holiday season. Go with that. Not the fairy tale of some ole fat white man who visits every child's house during ONE NIGHT and gives all the good little boys and girls toys and the bad ones a lump of coal.(Evil fucker!!!!) Besides, when was the last time you saw a fire place where the damn Gingerbread Man could squeeze through it let alone Santa.

Any way. So she made a statement and folks got upset. My thing is this. It was 9:45. pm, on a school night. When I was in high school, i was up this late. I may have been watching the new. most likely not.  When I was in 6-8th grade, i was probably getting ready to pass out or I was doing something childish and unrelated. 2-6th grade If I was up at 9:45pm, on a school night it was because my folks were feeling extra nice (HEY MOM HEY DAD LOVE YALL!!!) and let me finish watching something I had already started. Not the news. Any grade under this my ass was more than likely sleep. Now unless I was in Kindergarten I more than likely wasn't believing in Saint Nick.

Sorry, parents. Hate to burst your bubble but at some time you have to shit on your kids dream. Seriously. Hell you do it anyway. James wanted that flaming red power wheel and you bought him some pajama's. Remember, you've been telling him that "if you're good Santa will bring you what you ask for." So what does James do, he's on his best behavior (or as much as he can be) beginning in October. Yea October, he know Santa will more than likely only remember the recent future.

For three months he's on his BEST behavior. He does as he's told every day. Christmas day rolls around and ....faaart.. Pajamas.. Oh he may get a few other toys and things, yet what he REALLY WANTED Santa didn't bring him.. So yea you shit on your kids desires and dreams any way, so what she said wasn't that bad.

What is bad though is that people still have kids, who are old enough to watch the news and learn or potentially understand what they're watching, who still believe in Santa.. THAT'S THE FUCKING TRAVESTY HERE PEOPLE!!! Some of the comments I read were "I find it appalling. My son was watching, as we do almost every night." or "Just cause we let them believe in something like a mythical person doesn't make us bad parents but a good one cause that means we let our kids have a wonderful imagination."  If your son is watching the news every night, how the fuck is hearing that there is no Santa a shock... HAVE YOU SEEN THE SHIT THEY SHOW ON THE NEWS!?!?!?!?

Seriously, no Santa. This was stated at 9:45. He had 45 minutes of murder, death, human interest pieces, and lame ass banter between the anchors. And THEN this statement was made and he was shocked!!!! I'm sorry. I'm not buying that one. I need a parent, who has a child that's OLD enough to watch the news and who still believes in Santa Claus to explain this shit to me. Cause I don't get it.

I'm not saying its not possible. ANYTHING is possible. What I'm saying is that if you're taking the effort to explain to your child what the news is saying, then you've had to explain those commercial talking about Christmas that don't show Santa rushing into stores to buy anything. You've had to explain how does Santa come into your house to make his delivery and you don't have a fireplace. You've had to. So explain how its OK for you to lie to this child who's CLEARLY old enough to watch the new an 9:45 pm ON A FUGGING SCHOOL NIGHT. Yet it's a travesty for a reporter, who's job it is to report the truth, to make a truthful statement.

The real travesty, is that parents are so caught up in the attempt at keeping their kids "young and innocent" that they allow this fucked up reasoning to cloud their better judgement. Think about it, Say this out loud, My child is old enough to watch the news which talks about death, murder liars thieves and cooks. And I'm fine with that. Yet I can't tell them that Santa isn't real...

At some point parents need to take the training wheels off. I'm not talking about the ones on the kids. I'm talking about the one's that parents put on them selves the minute they have kids. Yes kids are precious. Yes kids need protection. I totally understand all those arguments. Yet in this day an age of predators preying on our (YES OUR) children the biggest travesty is oftentimes the one that occurs in the home. If the child is old enough to stay up to 9:45 on a school night stop the fantasy... And STOP LYING TO YOUR DAMN KIDS. ITS GOTTEN TO THE POINT THEY LOVE SANTA MORE THAN YO ASS!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Stalking Claus

So while I was putzing around the house this weekend, I had a thought. Yea I know, here he goes with another of those damn thoughts. Have you ever paid attention to the lyrics to Santa Claus is coming to town??? When this thought hit me this song wasn't even playing anywhere nearby. Maybe my mind is just in a holiday mood, who knows. All I know is that when you listen to or better yet read the lyrics, a disturbing fact is discovered. Santa Claus is Coming to Town describes the exploits of a stalker. Yes that's right folks, a world class Grade A stalker....

As I write this, i'm sober as shit....Ok i'm lying, i've had a about two beers and a vodka and apple juice cocktail over the course of 4 hours. So i'm sober-ish. Now are you're reading this you may be thinking What the hell has gotten into you this time. I'm not crazy. I'm serious.. You don't believe me take a look at the lyrics.

You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town (repeat two times) Here is where he warns you. You better watch out. Don't you pout and you better not cry cause i'm coming for yo ass.

He's making a list, Checking it twice; Gonna find out who's naughty or nice. Santa Claus is coming to town (repeat two times) Now he's telling you that he's got your address and he's checking it. To ensure he's got the right one.

He sees you when you're sleeping He knows when you're awake He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness sake Peek-a-boo I see you. Cause i'm outside your window watching you With little tin horns and little toy drums Rooty toot toots and rummy tum tums Santa Claus is coming to town (repeat two times) Don't mind that banging and rattling you hear. Those are just the duct tape, hand cuffs and other assorted items in my rape kit you hear.

Do you see where i'm coming from. This song is nothing but a hidden stalker anthem. Whats worse. I've discovered that there are subliminal message in another Christmas song. Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer is about an alcoholic.....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Captian's Log: Stardate Supplemental. It's now 13 mins before hour. And i've been up since 4:00 am. I'm sitting here in the kitchen keeping the wife company as she cooks thanksgiving dinner. Got a strong as drink in my cup and a message on my mind. So I decided why not send a message of thanks and one of upliftment to all of you out there. Thanksgiving. That annual day of gluttony that we all rejoice in. It's a time for family and friends. It's also a time for reflection for some. One of sadness for others. Yet through it all, we give thanks. As i'm sitting her drinking, listening typing and thinking I have to say i'm extremely grateful and blessed in where I am in my life up to this point. I don't have everything I want. Yet i've got my needs taken care of. I'm not where I want to be yet i'm not that bad off either. For that in and of its self i'm thankful. I'm here of (semi) sound mind and for that I'm thankful. Yet those are not the things that i'm the most grateful for. This was a rough year for a lot of my friends. Relatives were lost, homes as well. A lot of broken hearts and sleepless nights. Yet through it all they've all endured. They've found the strength to go on. Even on those days when they felt as if quitting and giving up would be easier. They continued. They fought. They lived. It is that, that i'm the most thankful for. I've been there. More times than I care to count. More times than most people, even those close to me might even realize. In those darkest of days, and those longest of lonely nights sometimes you just don't want to continue. You just want the pain to stop. Yes I know. The fact that you are still here is what I'm thankful for. Your strength, your love, the lives you live. The people you touch. Thats what i'm thankful for. So for all of you who are going through that first holiday. For those of you who are remembering those loved ones
who made, not only this holiday but every day a special day remember this. Time will heal those wounds. It may not seem like it at first. Yet take it from me. There's nothing you can't get through with a little bit of faith and a lot of love. Lean on those that are close to you Love those that make you smile, in spite of the pain you feel. Cry with those who will let you cry (and fuck the bullshit real men cry). And most importantly always remember that through it all, there will be an end to the pain. I'm not saying it won't hurt anymore. I'm not saying you won't cry anymore. What i'm saying is that those days will be fewer and fewer as the days and months roll past. The memories of loved ones past will always be with you. So if you find yourself sneaking into a corner to shed a tear over that loved one who's not here. Thats fine. Just remember this. There is a better place other than this. One where there is no pain or tears. They have gone on to make your way a little bit easier. They watch and guide your steps. For you all that continue to fight through the pain. I want to say thanks. Or more apropos I want to give you thanks and prayers and most importantly my love. Believe it or not the fact that you continue to press on inspires those around you. Keep fighting. Peace comes in the end.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Disturbingly Depressing

When all this mess started I said I'd avoid it. I said i wouldn't use my limited space on the Internet as a tool to harp about this. Yet i can't not discuss this. I can't not act like I don't know about it. I attempted to ignore it. Yet I failed. So with that I will write. As i start this I don't know how long this will be or where it will end. So with that I give this disclaimer. This is about Jerry Sandusky and the charges levied against him. This is about those that failed.  This is for his victims (alleged).

I read the grand jury report or presentment as its legally referred to. Yep, all 24 pages. Now if you're not familiar with what a grand jury is here's a little information about them. The grand jury is used to decide whether someone should be charged ("indicted") for a serious crime. The grand just hears evidence presented by the prosecutor: U.S Attorney. The grand jury uses subpoenas to gather this evidence. It can subpoena documents, physical evidence and witnesses to testify. A grand jury is different from a regular jury in that it’s job is not to determine guilt or innocence, but to decide whether there is probable cause to prosecute someone for a felony crime.

Now keep in mind that grand juries are not the end of the line. They are in fact the very beginning of the process. What does this mean in terms of the Sandusky affair. We, the people are in for a very long journey. I'm not a lawyer, nor am I any way affiliated with any legal organization in any fashion so what follows are personal statements.

After reading the grand jury report all I can say is.............. Yea. I had nothing to say. Through 24 pages I read with an open mouth, a broken heart and tears in my eyes. And not for the reasons you may think. You see, we all know that the violation of a child is the lowest of the low. I honestly feel that murder, although horrible, isn't as bad and the repeated violation or a minor. Simply because with murder the victim's pain stops.  IF what the grand jury document alleges is true. 8 little boys were ruined. 8 teen ages boys had to struggle with the fact that someone they trusted betrayed them in the worst possible way. 8 men, have had to fight for peace with the knowledge that a portion of their childhood were tarnished and destroyed. Oh yes, as I read through this, I was heartbroken.

I won't go into details about it. If you're interested in reading the report just google it. There are several papers that have digital versions of the full document on line. Just be warned. It is graphic in nature, and disturbing in the subject. The simplest way I can describe it is Disturbingly Depressing. And not just because of what Sandusky  is accused to have done. It's because of all the people who did nothing.

Some people suck. Flat out fucking suck. Respect for the well being of our fellow man is just fucking horrible. For the most part, I'll accept that. I don't like it but I can accept the fact that people walk by or turn a blind eye when an adult is in danger. What i can't, won't and never accept is when adults turn a blind eye to kids being hurt or in danger.  That's just fucking DEPLORABLE!!!!

There were several "witnesses" to some of the more severe acts allegedly committed. And in each instance those witnesses stated that they were disturbed by what they'd witnessed. Yet in no instance did they call the police. NOT A SINGLE DAMN TIME!!! One man stated he called his father and another broke down in tears. They both reported what they saw to their superiors yet they never took the initial step to report what they saw to the police..... 

That's what disturbs me the most. Are we, as a society, so afraid of reprisal's that we don't report crimes we personally witness to authorities? Are we, as a society, so disillusioned with the police that we'd rather let someone be hurt repeatedly rather than notify them of wrong doing? Kids.... These were kids... Who were failed. Sandusky (allegedly) failed them. Employees at an institute of higher learning failed them. The legal system that allowed the first investigation to just sit. (Oh yea there was a complaint against him prior to the major one that came out. The system failed..

I pray that the victims of this are not forgotten. In the rush to "mourn" Paterno's firing lets not forget that there are numerous young men who are the true victims. They are the one's who should be honored, and fought for. Them and every other child that has ever been abused. Child abuse is a disease and it is probably more rampant than any of us realize. As an adult we must protect our youth. Not just those kids we know personally. We must protect ALL kids. We must give them a chance to grow up. So take this as my plea to all of you who read this. If you know a child who is being abused please seek help on behalf of that child. Do not let it continue. Contact your local authorities or contact The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Condolences, Kim Kardashian

So it finally happened. The attention whore ended that farce of a shame that she called a marriage. Yes, this blog is gonna be about Kim K. I know i know, you've probably heard all of this before and from much more authoritative sources than I. Yet here I am, after a long personal hiatus. To talk about, Kim K. Pull up a seat, strap in and hang on. Its gonna be a ride.

OK first and foremost, let me put this out there again. I'm not a fan of reality television or any of the folks on it.  With that in mind, this whole Kim Kardashian thing is very interesting to the cynic in me. She is a very attractive woman. Nice ass, solid rack. If i was single and she threw ass at me I'd smash that shit like a Mark McGuire (allegedly) juiced up home run. So its not her attractiveness that's a problem. Its her, in general that i've got a problem with.

Lets face it. We all know how she got her start. She took dick from some washed up never was has been. Yea I said it. Ray J was been a marginal star at BEST. He's only famous cause his sister could actually carry a tune. Otherwise, wouldn't no one give a shit about his ass. Did you notice when she stopped making music and acting on a regular basis so did he... So Kim fucked a has been on tape and became an instant celebrity...

That's it..... She didn't win a Nobel Prize.. She's not in the WNBA. She didn't star beside George Clooney or Matthew McConaughey. She wasn't even in Playboy.. She made a sex tape.. There are a TON of these damn things out there. Hers wasn't much better or much worse than any others out. (yea I've seen it). She took a dick. BIG FUCKING DEAL.. There's a woman right now sucking a mean one and she won't get shit but a stiff jaw, a gummy taste in their mouth and a dirty towel on the floor. Kim K fucked a has been, washed up wanna be and she's famous. What a fucking crock of shit.

Now that she's been married (HA) and has filed for divorce (go figure) she's taking this whole "My marriage was real" stance looking all teary eyed and shit. HOE SIT DOWN!!! The divorce rate in this country is is so fucking high, the fact that she got divorced isn't surprising. What surprises me is that THIS CHICK IS ACTING HURT??? Her and Kris, are both acting like this shit wasn't a big ass scam from the beginning..  They don't understand why this "painful?" and personal moment has now become fodder for the media cannon. Oh, i can easily answer that for you.

Sardonic, How did she whore her self out again. Well let me tell you how she did it again my few readers. That trick laid down and opened her wedding to her numerous TV shows and the newspapers and any other trifling ass media outlet that wanted to pay to witness that bullshit. There are very few weddings that are deserving of public attention. THIS WAS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!! So when you have a 4 hour wedding special on EmbarrassmentTV (E!) and you actually make cash on your wedding,  oh hell yea you're gonna be in the media eye. I don't see them rushing to give that gwap back ...  Every "personal" moment is shared in front of the damn camera. Yet she said it was real.. I'd have pissed my self if they'd come out and say, "You know what. This marriage was fake."

Society has become so dependent on "REALITY". We need TV shows looking into the mundane lives of others to make our lives better. "Reality" TV stars don't have fans, they have fucking stalkers. Think about it. If you had someone watching your every movement, they know your likes and dislikes, isn't that a stalker? Stalkers don't have to become violent to be called stalkers. It's a sad state of affairs when people feel sad for the actions of reality TV stars but don't give a shit about their co workers or their own damn family members.

Fuck Kim, Khole, fuck the pimp of a mother they've got and fuck all these other bullshit ass reality TV stars. No offense but if you happen to turn on the TV to watch this re heated piss FUCK YOU TOO! You're the reason they exist. You're the reason that for the next 2 months we're gonna hear about Kim needing a break from the media as she gets over her broken heart. And then  after that we're gonna hear about her reconnecting with a lost love.  All I know is she's a whore. Media, financial, physical or other wise. She sells everything there is about her. And sadly there's a market for this shit. Folks buy it, and support it and defend it.

So to Kim Kardashian, I say this. You aren't important. You aren't special to the world. Your best contribution to society was when you took dick on camera. Do those of us in the minority (those who really care less about you) a favor and fade into obscurity. And take the fucking rest of the reality world with you

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So You Mad Huh.....

Please note. This post is going to use the actual N-Word. This is a necessary evil that is being used to prove a point. Be an adult and put aside your insecurities and read the message. If not, FUCK OFF!!

The other day on The View the topic of the word Nigger came up. NO I don't watch the show. I mean if I wanna watch a bunch of catty women argue about shit they may or may not understand I'll go to Church. Besides I work during that time. A black host and a white host got into a headed discussion / argument over who can and can't use the word. Now to set the record straight, I'm of the school of thought that there are two different words (nigger and nigga) and two totally different meanings. I'm also of the school of thought that NO ONE should use either word. Now does that mean that I don't use the word nigga... HELL NO. I don't use it as much now as I get older. Yet its still a word that's a part of my vocabulary.  Its sort of like the word dude for some. Or Bro for others.  Some women say penis or dick, others say cock.
Now I will admit I've heard both words used by people outside of the African American race. My thing is What the fuck is the fasicination of other cultures with using the word? Explain that shit to me.. Whenever discussion of the usage Nigger comes up some whites get offended that they can't use it. The argument that often gets tossed around is "If you can say it why can't I." Fuck that. My question is What reason do you have for saying it or wanting to say it? Seriously. Outside of intelligent conversation, when would you want to use the word? Let me be honest. Its a word with a HORRIBLE history. It was used as a tool of oppression. Of assult. That one word was once used to hold down an entire race of people. YES WE ALL KNOW THIS.. The fact that blacks still use it, which is a sore spot within our race, doesn't mean its up for discussion. So for anyone upset that folks get mad when its used, just remember What reason do I even have for using it? Truth be told if one black man referred to another black man as a Nigger, its about to be a fight.

Now for the other side of the story. BLACK FOLKS NEED TO GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! I'm going on record and stating this. We, as a people will never succeed, if we keep fighting a battle over bullshit. Point blank. It fucking kills me that news and radio stations and social media will get bombarded with comments, from Blacks, how offended they are when someone who isn't Black uses this word. OFFENDED!!! Of all the shit we're threatened with on a daily basis, all the threats to our culture and who we are as a people. Folks will get verbal and physical over the usage of the word Nigger yet won't show that same passion for more serious issues.

Unemployment, fatherless children, the loss of our identity, the disenfranchisement of blacks in the political system. THIS IS SHIT TO GET MAD ABOUT... Yet when these issues come up what do we here from our community............Nothing. All this damn anger about being offended over the usage of the a word  is so fucking misplaced.  I'm not saying it doesn't matter. It matters a FUCKING TON. The fact still remains that there are much bigger issues at hand than who can and can't use the word. As a people we all know that word is trash.  Its a swear word. Up there with, bitch, ass, fuck and shit. We keep fighting a battle over bullshit, while the shit that really matters we ignore or show no interest in.

And for the record saying N-Word IS NOT A FUCKING SUBSITIUTE FOR NOT SAYING IT!!! Thats the equivalent of saying Suck my and (pointing at my dick). True I ain't say the word but you know what I was thinking. Saying N-Word is the same fucking shit.

Monday, September 26, 2011

For You....

Two years ago, I took a monumental step. More like a leap. A leap of love if you will. I married a woman who, to this day, I have no clue what the hell she was thinking. If you've read anything I've posted you've probably realized I'm off my rocker. Not a tad, slight, little bit. I'm completely off my rocker. It's not an or a persona I put on while blogging. It is who I really am. All of that, she said I do to. BRAVE WOMAN, Even till this day she gets props and kudos from friends for marrying me. Its not that I'm a bad guy. It's just that, well, I'm not all there.

Well today, is my anniversary. I must say that these two years have gone by much faster than I ever anticipated.  GOD has truly blessed me. He gave me an angel here on earth to watch over me. Someone to love and hold me when I'm not at my best. Someone to have my back. Someone who loves me, for me.

For all my faults, and issues. All my failures. She loves me. And I'm by far the luckiest bastard to ever walk the face of the earth. Let it be known that if an ass like me can find love then it's out there for everyone. So on this day I want to tell my wife. The woman of my dreams and nightmares (she can be evil when she wants to). I leave with this.

As day passes into night and night into day.
As summer follows winter and winter follows fall.
I shall always be there for you.
As a confidant, a friend, a protector.
I will always be your rock.
I will always be your husband. 

Thank you for making every day a special day.


Friday, September 23, 2011


Reality TV isn't reality at all. The only real shit on them are the fucking commercials.

Beauty is skin deep, only when ugly folks complain to much.

Single women rely heavily on their independence. Until they need help.

Being married is a gift and a curse. Gift being you always have somebody. Curse is you always have somebody.

Beyonce is not the best singer around.

Men and women can be friends, without sex being involved. Those who say differently are just pissed cause they had a friend they hit on and they got turned down.

A fuck is a beautiful thing.

Head is mandatory in a relationship. If you don't someone else will.

Treat each day of life like a battle in a war. Strive to win each day the best way you know how. 

Just cause you're dumb that's no reason to be an asshole. It's not the worlds fault you're dumb.

Being too smart may result in an ass whipping at one point in your life.

Food fights in school were great. Unless you wore your good clothes or got caught starting it.

Late term abortions should be legal. Why can't I kill that dumb ass 25 year old who got my order wrong.

Intelligent Black men are a dying breed :(

Men: Always have a wing man. You never know when you need someone to flirt with the ugly girl in the group.

Ladies: Always have a BFF (or whatever the fuck yall call her) so yall don't go outside looking like your coochie ain't been washed since the Resurrection. Unless she looks like her's ain't been washed since the day GOD took a rest.

Leggings ain't for everyone

The White Tee fad is dead (take yo ass out and get a job)

The perpetually unemployed are always "TO GOOD" to work at McDonald's. Hell fast food workers are more respected than your always unemployed ass.
Can you tell I was bored.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Remember 11:08 pm

Sept 21st, 2011 at 11:08pm the State of Georgia, executed Troy Davis. A man convicted of murdering an off duty police officer in Savannah, Ga on August 19th, 1989.I won't rehash or go over the details of  his case. Most people know of it. If you don't click here. The link will take you to a wiki about the incident.

Let me just put this out there now an say it. Troy Davis, was lynched. Yep, umm hmm I said it. This was a legally sanctioned, court approved, supreme court backed lynching. Now for those not in the know, lynching's were the "punishment" of choice down south, back in the day when a nigger did something wrong. Yea, that's a harsh way of putting it but you've read some of my other posts (hopefully) I'm a tell it like it is guy. They ALWAYS involved a black man who was accused and convicted (convicted not in the legal sense) of some crime for which there was no physical proof. Only the WORD of someone else. Now let that marinate for a second... 

Its not about the fact that he may have been Innocent. I'm not a lawyer nor have I read the transcripts.Nor am I a judge. i can't determine guilt or innocence on half the facts.

It's not because he's a black man being executed in a traditionally racist state.

It's not even because it was the "NEW BLACK MOMENT" to follow as I'm sure some will later call this entire event. 

I'm pissed because this man was killed because he couldn't afford a high priced attorney to represent him the way he deserved.

I'm pissed because it took something like this for people to realize that racism is still alive.

I'm fucking pissed because when I read the news, you've got to struggle to find mention of this case. No media attention was brought to this injustice.

I'm REALLY FUCKING PISSED because out of 9 witness' 7 of them recanted their stories. 3 juror's stated that if they'd been presented the evidence that was available today they would have ruled differently. Yet the courts could have cared less.

I'm SUPREMELY PISSED because a black man was LYNCHED by the fucking legal system that is supposed to protect us and defend our rights. 

I'm UBER PISSED cause he was executed while doubt still remained. He wasn't asking to be let free. He wanted another chance to prove his innocence in light new evidence and the change in witness statements. 

A black man, convicted of a crime, on someone else's word. That's why I am pissed about this.

Doubt, a noun, meaning a feeling of uncertainty or conviction. Unsure, or you just don't know. Either way, to take a man's life, while there is doubt. Is just wrong..

So Troy Davis, lost his battle. And for his loss he's moved on to a better place. Let us not lose the war. We must continue to fight the fight. Let's us always remember 11:08 pm


I'm hear to educate some women folks on what it means to keep a MAN happy. Most of yall function on the theory of a man wants a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets. Yea I won't lie, we do. Yet I bet this term was coined by either a woman or a single man. Simply because this statement is so frigging narrow minded and tunnel visioned that ONLY someone WITHOUT experience in a stable and successful relationship with women could have thought of it.

There are plenty of Men who've got a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets and but they ain't happy.. Some of you may question "How is that possible? Isn't that all men need?" Ladies, ask your self this question, "Were you not that lady and that freak and he STILL left you?" Most will answer yes. And hears one of the reasons he left. YOU AIN'T HAVE SHIT ELSE GOING!!!
You don't cook, clean, wash dishes fold clothes, can't talk about current events, can't change a tire. All you can do is fuck. And you do that mighty damn finely. Yes you're a lady in the streets. A fucking dumb one. You look good in that mirror don't you. Yet you're the last one to get every joke and most days you never hear the birds that chirp everytime someone ask's you a question.

Now some of you will read this and be like "Ohh thats not me. I've got a great job. I've got a bachelor's degree from yada yada university. I've got my own crib. My own car. My own money. I don't need no man to complete me." Good, be that chick. So when your car breaks down, push that shit into the lot ya damn self. When you got a busted pipe call that plumber to fix it for you. When you need that orgasm, gone head and break out ya B.O.B (ya vibrator for you folks that don't know). Simply becasue you're attitude sucks shitty monkey nuts and no self respecting man wants a woman as controling and castigating as you're apt to be. Its great to have your own. Men truly love a woman who has her own yet when a woman is so INTO having her own she's liable to shit on any man she's with.

I can hear it now. Some place there's a woman reading this (i mean i've only got 5 readers on a good week anyway 2 of which are probably women)  saying uhh, i don't fit either one of these examples. "I don't care what he does. I don't care where he goes or who he's with. As long as he pays my bills I could care less." I'm not gonna dwell too much on this one simply becasue she can't keep a man happy cause SHE DON'T CARE.

How can you make your man happy? How do you keep him happy?

Communicate and congraulate him. Let him know when he's doing great things for you. That you appreciate the things he does for you. Talk to him about his day. Even when yours was supremely shitty. Life it hard, especially for a black man. We have to deal with society always dealing us two strikes when we leave the house. We don't need our women shitting on us even more when we come home.

Caress and cuddle with him.  jump into his lap and just talk for a few minutes. Don't always wait for him to be the agressor. Show him you love him. Any woman can fuck your man, only you can love him.

Put the independent woman status on hold for a day or so. Yes we love an independent woman, yet we also love a woman who can ACT as if she needs a knight in shining armor. Let him do things to help you. Hell subtly make him do things for you. Its called manupulation and all women, ALL WOMEN, do it.  Don't let the singers screw up your head. They all make it seem like its great being independent. It is, yet don't let you over dependency on being independent translate into lonliness. Here's a lil hint. Men like a woman with a tad bit (just a small amount of neediness). It lets us know you want us around for more than just a fuck.

Most importantly let him be him. You can't control what he's gonna do or who he should be friends with. If he has female friends become friends with those female friends. If he looks at something appealing let him look. He's with you not dead. Besides yall do the shit. And let one of yall say you don't.  If Brad Pitt or Boris "don'tdatebiggirls" Kudjo came around shirtless yall would drool like a dog over a steak. So don't front. Besides he might be looking and comparing her to you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

S.L.Y.D.E.R.S: Whte Castles and Fat Folks

This message is going to be down right full of profanity. Seriously... No i'm fucking serious. I'm apt to break a personal record with this shit. So if you're a softy who says tush instead of ass,  or or you're so up tight miners shove coal up your ass in hopes of getting a diamond shitting out then please stop here.....

I gave fair warning. So if you are offended by any of the fucking shit my intelligentally ignorant ass says after this. ITS YO DAMN FAULT!!!

S.L.Y.D.E.R.S:  Simply Lost Yo Damn Elephantine Realistical Sense:

I can say this about this dude simply because I'm fat. Yes I admitted it. I'm a big ass, always in the way ass, can't find clothes to fit my ass easily, always squished by theater seat ass fat man. Yea that me. I'm hard to miss when I walk by. If I put on a red suit I'd look like the Kool Aid Man. Yep I'm all that. And you know what. I'm proud of it. I'm working on losing weight and I will be a smaller man in the years to come. Yet over all I'm happy being in the Skinn I'm in. I'm happy and those that know me are happy, or at least pretend to be. They're probably waiting for the day my fat ass falls the fuck over and has a triple bacon burger induced heart attack. I digress.. or maybe its waddle my fat ass to the next point who knows..

Anyway, as I was saying I'm happy and comfortable. I understand that the world is not my oyster. That its made for all these skinny heroin chic bastards, who are wafer thin. And if I farted hard enough it would probably knock they skinny asses down. Yea, them. I know that there are certain places that I can buy clothes in (fuck old navy and Macy's). When I ride a bus I know I'm not even gonna attempt to sit next to someone. It would be an invasion of their personal space. Especially that seat in the middle of two folks, Fuck that I will gladly stand with my fat boy nuts in your skinny man/woman's face. TAKE THAT BITCH!!!

Fuck now where was I.. Or better yet where the hell am I headed with this shit. Ahh here it is. So as I was saying. When I go out I take my enormous ass into account and factor in where I can actually sit when I go into a restaurant. You won't catch me attempting to sit in, ohh lets say WHITE CASTLES booths.

There it is. The reason for this fat man's rant. You all have heard about it. Some dude who weighs 290lbs is gonna sue White Castles cause he can't squeeze into their booths. Why you gotta point this shit out... Us fat folks KNOW we too damn big to be sitting in them tiny ass booths. We know that shit. So what do we do. We take our cases (them little ass burgers you know we need a case just to get close to full), and go home. Yes we GO HOME.. I'm not even thinking about sitting in White Castle looking ever fatter than I am eating a fucking Slyder. And here's why

1. If you ain't know I'M FAT. Fucking skinny folks always turn they noses up when they see me eat. It don't matter if its a salad or a 7 courses meal.
2. Its White Castles. We're talking the CHEAPEST of the CHEAP fast food joint. Hell They don't even have a dollar menu. Why not?? CAUSE THE BURGERS ARE FUCKING CHEAP.
3.White Castle burgers are covered in onions. As we all know onions give you gas.... Think about that for a second... Everyone there is eating burgers that will at some point make them fart. I'll pass on the public fart fest. I'd rather let them rip in my own home.

Now with that in mind WHY THE FUCK WOULD MY FAT ASS DECIDE TO SIT IN THE BOOTH!!! I mean get real. So this dude that's suing them because the booths are too small is just another fat fucker looking for someone else to justify and accept his fattiness. You're mad cause the seats are too small. Bitch, you're fucking it up for the rest of us. Now what they'll do is increase the size of the seat to accommodate fat folks and now those oh so cheap, gas inducing burgers that you LOVE so much AIN'T CHEAP NO MORE. So now instead of being a fat ass fucker with no place to sit in White Castle you're now a cheaper fat ass fucker with ample places to sit. Simply because now NO ONE wants to pay $2 bucks for a 3oz burger covered in 6oz of onions.

Obesity, is a disease. Yes i'll admit it. I've battled it my entire life.. I'm working on totally conquering this battle and until I've beaten this beast, I will continue to fight. Yet dumb asses like this make everyone that struggling seem so damn petty. You're not suing for healthier options or smaller portion sizes. You're not suing cause medical plans discriminate against us due to our size. Hell you're not even suing LifeSource for not accepting blood donations for people over a certain weight limit because their chair are weight tested up to a certain weight (yea its true. I can't donate blood to save lives cause i'm fat). Instead you're suing a FAST FOOD RESTAURANT (which is inherently bad for us) doesn't have seats that we can sit in. You belittle the fight that many of us wage on a daily basis.

So please the next time one of my fat brethren decide they want to "sue" some restaurant for not taking into account their girth. Take yo fat ass home and eat the burger in the comfort of your own fat welcoming sanctuary. Or better yet. Eat a salad and go for a walk.

OK I'm done. This shit is long. And.... windy..... hmm now I want a Wendy's frosty...Well time to go and squeeze my big ass into a tiny booth for a meal that I shouldn't be eating anyway.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Its been a min since i've written. Mainly due to not having anything to say. Yet while reading the news yesterday I came across an interesting and highly disturbing story. Woman Dies After Injecting Face With Hot Beef Fat. Now look at that title for a second. She dies after injecting face with hot beef fat. Now his headline is a journalist WET dream. I mean when you see it it IMMEDIATELY makes you think this lady died as a DIRECT RESULT of the injection. Alas, she did not. She died of another medical complication that just happened to arise after the injection. Now its tragic that she's passed on. I'm not making lite of her death. In fact, her death is not even the most troubling part of this whole story. The troubling part is WHY THE FUCK YOU INJECTING YOUR FACE WITH BEEF FAT???

OK, this shit has got to stop. First there was the wigs and phony nails. Fine we accepted that. Then came the silicone breast implants. They look nice on some women done in moderation. IN MODERATION PEOPLE!!!! When your tits are as big as two twelve year olds and they aren't natural THAT SHIT'S NASTY!!. Then there was the butt implants/injections. I'm gonna blame this one on my Beautiful Black Queens. Their asses are so damn plump and juicy looking that folks got jealous and had to have a way of getting what GOD ain't give them naturally... Fine.. Its fucked up, but fine, i'll roll with it.

Now we're on to wrinkle removal. Wrinkle removal.. Want a way to stop wrinkles from forming forever. KILL YA DAMN SELF.. Yea I said it. Go out and just kill yo damn self. What in the hell has made wrinkles so bad? When you get to a certain age you're  gonna have wrinkles. YOU should have them. It means you've lived long long life. Rejoice in it. Accept it. Now if you're 30 and your forehead looks like a Ruffles Potato chip maybe you need to talk to your doctor about stress management. Either that or get laid more.

Grey hair and wrinkles are all a part of getting older. Its natural. Nothing to be ashamed of or scared of. Hell, I personally think women with grey hair look beautiful. And even men with grey hair have a more distinguished look about themselves. They look wiser. I can't wait till I get a head full of grey hair.... OK that's a lie, I'm NEVER gonna have a head full of grey hair, or black for that matter. I've been going bald since I was 21.

Its weird to me that this lady would Inject beef fat into her face in an effort to remove a natural and beautiful part of the aging process. Accept it. Stop spending money on shit to "Hide the signs of aging" and embrace those signs. You've earned them. Besides, if you're out spending money on these products and surgeries you're more than likely already attractive enough. Think about it, anyone you ever thing of as hideously ugly EVER invest in this shit??? (its a joke people)

Keep it up and a huge portion of the population is gonna look like Joan Rivers. She looks like a broken in 90 year old leather coat. All that surgery hasn't helped her one damn bit.
Kids are doing their damnedest to look older and older people are doing the opposite. Be happy with who you are, in your skin. Don't attempt to wear someone or SOMETHING else's. Its not worth it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese's: A Personal Observance in the Perversion of the Family Dynamic

This might get wordy, it might not. I don't know. So as usual, buckle up, hang tight and enjoy the read. And if you enjoy what you read please comment. If you hate what you read please comment.

Last weekend I went to Chuck E. Cheese's. Yall know that place with the motto "Where a kid can be a kid." Great place for small kids. They get to do all the kid type things, run around like fools, yell, scream, make a mess and annoy the hell out of any adults that are near by. Yea, those things. No I wasn't going there getting my R. Kelly on. (Yea i went there, we all know he's had a thing little under aged girls), My nephew/Godson was celebrating his 2 years of being on this glorious planet. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BAD ASS!! Now back to my story.

I attempted to enjoy myself while I was there. And for the most, parts of me did. The part that will eternally remain a child had a blast. The parental part of me enjoyed walking around with my nephew playing games or tossing the ball around. Enjoying the joy he was having. The family man part of me also.

The intellectual, over analytical, extremely critical, ever sarcastic, socially aware black man that encompasses my entire being was down right appalled. It was as if someone had slapped me with a hand full of shit, only cleaner and not as highly offensive(if someone ever slapped me with shit, I'd be in jail). What is it you ask. What could I have possible seen in the land of ashy elbows, unchanged diapers and perpetual bad behavior that could have offend the intellectual, over analytical, extremely critical, ever sarcastic, socially aware black man that I am.....


Yea I said it. The mothers that were there is what got me. Or the age of the mothers. Let me elaborate

When I was younger and went to C.E.C you would see actual mothers there. You know the older more mentally mature, self sacrificing mom's. They made sure your hair was combed, you had lotion or Vaseline on your skin. That you were presentable cause you were being a representation of them. In turn they were dressed and represented themselves in a respectable manner. No booty shorts or low cut tops. They were women.

That shit I saw over the weekend. LAAAAWD HAVE MERCY ON ME!!!! These chicks were wearing any  damn thing. I mean just straight TRASHY WHORE TYPE shit. All the tight fitting jumpers, skimpy short skirts and the damn stomachs hanging out of the bottom of their shirts. EWWW!!! That shit was just so damn disgusting.... and embarrassing.. Now the few that were some what semi presentable, halfway decent were the proud parents of kids that I'd be embarrassed to call mine

The apathy in the place was over bearing. They walked in located a table gave the kids tokens and that was that. They sat there eating and talking while these damn bad ass Bebe's just ran roughshod all over the damn place. They were so bad they didn't turn on the band. HOW THE HELL THE CHUCK E. CHEESE BAND NOT BE TURNED ON!!!!!

And then it hit me, these are kids. Raised with no direction, no desire. No solid role models to show them what being a woman is all about. They didn't have Big Momma and nem. No village helping to raise them. Most of them didn't have a man in the house telling them they were beautiful and special and a treasure.  Most were born with out hope.

So as I sat in the land of dusty elbows, ashy ankles and bad ass kids. In the world of skimpy skirts and fucked up lace fronts I had a mild epiphany. A mini revelation..

I'm not going into another fucking Chuck E. Cheese's again.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Black Man's Burden

As I've said before, I'm black. African-American, pigmentally overloaded or how ever you want refer to it. If you're a little petite white girl, I'm the man your mom's whispered about when you were packing for college. I'm the man you father strictly FORBADE you from talking to when you got to college. The big black guy from the big city. Yep that's me.

Although I'm black, let me destroy all of your preconceived stereotypes of the black male from the city. I'm 33 college educated, i read at least 2 books a month, no convictions, never been shot, never shot any one, never sold drugs, never been in a gang, my pants don't sag (unless i don't have a belt on and that's almost never). I don't wear white tee's. I speak proper English, (although I can be speak and understand the language of the streets very well). I work. No not out on the corner hustling but in an actual office. I pay taxes and and I know who my father is.

Now, with all that out in the open I will always be lumped into the mass of black men who embarrass the shit out of themselves with all the tomfoolery and other idiotic shit they persist in doing on a daily basis. I don't like being lumped into that catergory but its life. Although it shouldn't be. I'm sure you're wondering what has brought this on. Well I have a story. Wanna here it,

Well, here it goes.

Over the weekend I was at a White Sox game. And per our usual, we always find a group of folks to hang with. These groups typically involve groups of women who range in the semi to completely smashed range of drunkenness. They are also mostly white. (Hey don't hate me, its just hard to find black women at U.S Cellular who aren't over the age of 50). On this particular day we ran into a young lady and she decided to talk and hang with me for the majority of the game. No biggie we were standing behind her section any way.

To make a long story short, near the end of the game a rain storm rolls through (again, fucking mother nature, damn woman can't make up her mind) and everyone headed for some kind of shelter. Her group (an entire BUS load) left her. With us. The two black guys from the city. (insert porn music here). At this point she's soaking wet, (HEY get your minds outta the damn gutter I just said it was a raining)so we decided to just leave and call it a night. Us being nice guys decided that we weren't gonna just leave her by her self in an area she didn't know. (I swear this shit does read like a porn script doesn't it).

We make it out to the parking lot and locate her bus. With all the folk who left her. So as we're standing there talking saying good by and what not. You know that general shoot the breeze type of thing one of her friends(drunk) walks up to her and whispers in her ear, ARE YOU SAFE!!!! Notice I said whisper yet we heard her loud and clear. ARE YOU SAFE!! (insert gasps, screeching brakes and crickets)

And there is my problem.. SERIOUSLY!!!!! I'm not one to pull the racism card. Hell I'm actually the last person to pull the racism card but I'm slamming this joint on the table like the set book in a game of spades. That was some insulting and racist shit to say. Flat out, bottom line. Now I could have behaved like a hooligan and called her out her name for the slight but I didn't. I simply bowed my head and laughed. Cause racism is ignorance, and ignorance is funny to me. (Stupid lil tramp).

The sad thing about all of this is, she probably thought there was nothing wrong or insulting with what she said. She was just one friend checking on the "well being" of another. I mean she was genuinely concerned. Even though she left her girl in a ball park, by herself several miles from home with two strange men. She had to have been concerned for her friends safety, especially after those same two men walked her back to the bus, laughing. I mean all black men are heathens and will rape and kill white women and then brag about it in a rap song while sippin a 40'oz bottle of malt liquor. That's what we all do ain't it....Right!?!?!?

I laugh simple because it's a tragic fact of life. Being a black man in this country means we are always guilty until proven innocent. Its not just White America that does this to us. Not just what women. Sista's do it also. OH you think i'm lying. You know when yall go out to the clubs and a man approaches one of your friends. 9 times out of 10 one of you is gonna impinge on the convo cause you aren't sure she's "safe".

So yeah its damn near the cost of being a black man in America. We get blamed for EVERYTHING and get credit for damn near nothing. So from the bottom of my heart and the from hearts of all the GOOD BLACK MEN who go through this shit every day.


Now where's my 40 and my gat, FOOLS!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My sword and My shield

Christian talk coming up. If this offends you i've given you fair warning. Bounce... For all others.. Read on

Its amazing what Christian folks have been going through these day. All this extra drama and strife and all that other sad ish. It can be depressing for some of you out there. Hell for a lot of you out there. I'd like to let you all know, that some of yall are killing me with all the ho hum, i'm sad, my life this, my life that he/she don't do this and that. Straight killin me. 

Galatians 6:7 reads "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." Got it!!!  All that drama and hell you got going on in your life, sorry to say this, its your fault. You can't que up the Silk the Shocker music this time. Cause this is all on your door step. So stop whining and just grab your plate and eat it

That garden is full bloom now. 

I'm not saying this to be mean or cruel or even harsh. I am saying it to be honest with you. Stop acting like you don't know "WHY" things always happen to you. "Why does HE let this happen to his folk?  "WHY ME?" "WHY WHY WHY?" Look in the mirror when you ask those questions and you'll see the answer to your problems.

It's truly amazing that during those troubling times, when Satan has his head all up in your business  When you're in the middle of reaping what you've sowed that folks lay down their shield. How can you lay it down just when you need it most. Your Bible, that book that will protect, comfort and enlighten you in even your darkest hours.

That's your SHIELD!!!! 

Now the Sword, that's your mouth. Its funny, folks will swing that Sword in a heartbeat when the Devil is up to no good. They will swing it in a nano second when they want to insult or ridicule someone else. Yet when its time to swing that sword on themselves.. When its time to bring the light into their own mess..

They use a silk scarf.

Use your Sword to expose your own personal demons. Acknowledge them and call them what they really are. They are YOURS!!!! 

Your lies, your deceits the pain you've cause others. Use that Sword to cut through the veil of  BS you constantly surround your self with. Then you'll notice a change in your world.  Stop laying your Sword and Shield down when you're the cause of your problems. It is then that you need to embrace it. 

 I'm not perfect but I speak from experience. You have to reap all the ish you sow. You have to acknowledge and truly accept the fact that your problems are your's and you've created and contributed to them. Once that level of self awareness is reached. Then you're realize how good HE REALLY is. I have faults. And i make mistakes, every day. Yet I refuse to ignore them. And I make strides to be better than I was the day before. 

In order to change your world you've got to change the main thing in it. YOU!!!  Only then will you notice a change for the better.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Seasons Change

People are in your life for a season.... yada yada yada you know how it goes. We've all heard it and we know how it goes. If you don't, get yo head outta ya ass and look it up. Where the hell you been under a rock??? Seriously....

Ok back to what I originally started to write about. Seasons. Or better yet the ebb and flow of relationships and how your past impacts your future. Damn that's a mouth full.. So this week my better half had a minor surgical procedure that required her to spend the night in jail... Oh wait I meant in the hospital... Hell they both the same thing ain't they. Shitty living spaces, bland food, someone watching your every move. And occasionally you might get the annoying roommate who snores, always clogs the toilet and has a strange body odor. (Shit this reminds me of college almost)..

Fuck, ok where was I... Oh yea. The wife had surgery this week. I won't say what kind cause it ain't ya damn biddness. The surgery was a success but that's not what I wanna talk about.

When I got ready to finally crash for the night it hit me that I'd been through this surgery with another significant other in my life before. Yet this time it was different. This time it was my wife, my heart and my soul. The first time I went through this same situation I wasn't sure what to say or how to act. Not knowing how to touch her or  should I offer any assistance of any kind. This time I didn't have those apprehensions. This time I was at peace. And all I could think of was seasons..

And their timing.

I'll admit, that I've been a bastard in most of my relationships. Its just my nature.. I'm harsh, especially to those I love. Yet I pray that I've left a positive impact on the lives of those I've shared special times with. I know they have left marks on my life.

What I really realized is that when folks talk about the ending of relationships, its always negative. Its always malice filled. I mean are folks under the impression that all relationships should end in marriage? Everyone you date isn't a life mate.Some seasons are longer than others. That doesn't mean you can't learn from them. Treat each season as a learning experience. Don't be so quick to forget or expunge the  memory of the prior season from your memory. That past relationship taught you something important.

Its up to you to stop being an ass about your past and embrace it.
Whenever you hear the line about seasons (you know the one you're supposed to look up once you get that rock from over your head) you should remember this one. "Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it."  If you need some help in determining why your current situations are the way they are. Look at your past ones. The good and the bad. The answer is probably there...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Addiction Amy

.. may you rest in peace. I pray you  find the peace and balance that you were unable to find in life...

Its no secret that Amy Winehouse passed away a few days ago. Another "Great"  musician dead at the age of 27. Now i'll admit when my wife told me she dies my first words were "Oh Well." (GASPS) Don't act like you were really shocked that she'd been found dead. I mean really, are you REALLY that surprised??? Lets look at a few things.

Yes she was a talented musician
Yes she was a tortured soul
Yes she was a human being
Yes she was an addict.
Yes she'd attempted rehabs but she never stayed

My heart goes out to her family and her friends because she's no longer on this earth. Yet the realist in me stops right there. Simply because there was only ONE outcome to her life based on the current trajectory it was on. Death. Now some will say she could have turned it around, she could have sought help and gotten better. And that's true, she could have. That would have resulted in the trajectory of her life changing.  Sending her in a different direction.One with a cleaner and brighter outcome. One where, a death so young, would have been avoided. Alas this is not the case.

So where does that leave us?

Death is always a monumental event. We should learn something from every person's death. Although I did not know Amy Winehouse her death did touch me. Even the realist in me. She had a disease that many people struggle with. She was an addict. Plain and simple. Its not pretty its not glamorous. Its a fact. She lost that fight. Yet others don't have to. If you are an addict and you seek help please ask for it. If you know an addict who is seeking help please help them. Don't force them into anything. Don't turn your backs or close your eyes. Too many people support the disease and not the cure. If there is an addict reading this and you need help, or a friend send me a message or call 1-800-662-HELP. 

Addiction is disease that can be helped. Lets pitch in and do our part.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Fallacy of the Reciprocity of Expectations

I read something today that got me to thinking. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The golden rule as its been called. This statement has always been the tenet of an upright and moral life. And who wouldn't want to live like this. I mean really. If i do you a turn you should do me a turn, as the phrase goes. Right!?! We all deserve the treatment we get from others I mean if I've never done you wrong why should you do me wrong. This is a comment sentiment, right? RIGHT!?!?!

We expect reciprocity, don't we. I mean as human being's its in our nature to expect it. Oxford dictionary defines it as "the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another."  Now if you don't like this definition, cause it seems harsh, look at it this way. Favor and revenge are different versions of reciprocity. Get it now. Now this statement is an admiral statement to live by, except we over look a key 

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Reciprocity is IMPLIED but its not STATED or DEMANDED...  Just because you loan me $5 doesn't when I needed it doesn't  mean I'll loan you $5 when you need it. You did as the book said you did unto me, as you would have me do unto you. Perfect. Your job is done. Don't expect that kindness to be repaid. If you're only being kind because you expect others to be kind to you, well, you're living a lie. Yea I said it. you're living a LIE!! Do it because its WHO YOUR ARE, not because you hope to have someone return the favor when it's your turn. That's selfishness. 

Think about it! The ultimate acts of genuine kindness are those acts when they are done JUST BECAUSE. That friend that treated you to dinner, or the wife that bought you the new book by your favorite author, just because. This is the true embodiment of doing unto others. You do it cause you would HAVE them do the same for you, but you don't expect it. If you understand and accept that some people will do things only for personal gain, you'll learn a very valuable thing. When you do for someone just cause its WHO you are, the universe will pay you back in kind. 

Give with an open heart, and your blessings will follow. They won't necessarily be repaid in the same fashion, yet trust in the fact that it will be repaid  You give someone money, just consider it gone. In time you'll get a gift for the same amount and possibly more. That's RECIPROCITY!! God will bless you for the sake that you DID it from the goodness of your heart. The lord loves a cheerful giver. Doing unto others as you would have them due unto you is the greatest form of being a cheerful giver. So the next time you get ready to do something for someone ask your self "Am I expecting anything in return? or "Am I'm doing it just because I want to."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kiss it, Rub it Suck it, Fuck it... Don't cut it.

I've been MIA for a while. I apologize. I've been doing some mental remodeling and had to take some time away from the keyboard to get things sorted out. Now, on to then good shit.

Yesterday the wife and her friend told me about a story of a jilted ex-wife or soon to be ex wife who one upped Lorena Bobbit. Not only did she cut it off. She tossed it in the garbage disposal........Yep.. His Tally Wacker, his third leg, his schlong, johnson and any other name you wanna call it. She just cut it off and tossed it in the garbage disposal. AND SHE WAS PROUD SHE DID IT!!!!

Ladies, ladies ladies. This shit has GOT TO STOP!! Just cause he did you wrong don't mean you gotta attack the jimmy. Cutting a man's dick off is not the way to go. Dicks are meant for caressing, sucking and fucking. Cutting is in no way acceptable I mean really.What does it prove? What satisfaction do you get out of cutting his dick off??

My wife, God bless her soul and her girlfriend (girl give that man what he wants so he'll stop stalking you) are two women who disapprove of this method. And I thank them for it.Simply because if I discovered that they in any way supported this time of genital abuse i'd have to divorce them both. All I know is its time to stop the madness. Fellas, its time we put an end to this shit. There are some women out there who think that this is OK  We all know one. She's the one who thinks that if a man does her wrong she's within her right to exact her revenge in any way she see's fit. Even, taking a knife to a mans best friend. IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!

So to combat this trend. I propose the following.
Whenever a woman does a man wrong, cut her tit's off. That's right just lop them floppy boys right off her damn chest. YEA I SAID IT!!! LOP!!!.  Men we need to show some solidarity on this issue. I will support a lot of things but I can't support the cutting off of dicks.  Knives and dicks don't mix.

I know this is a bullshit post but I had to write about something.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Customer is Always RIght.. To Fuck Off and Go Right To Hell

Everyone has had a bad customer service experience. We can't help it. We have to interact with them to achieve our goals. Hell its gotten to the point that no matter where you go, who you call, you've gotta go through customer service. They are, in many ways, gatekeepers.  

Now some of you are probably getting upset right now, just thinking about that last annoying customer service rep you had to interact with. Your blood is boiling as you think about the canned responses that they read to you whenever you made a statement. The hair on the back of your neck is standing on end's when you realize that they've repeated EVERYTHING you said. That they haven't even attempted to answer your question. THE AUDACITY OF THEM!!!! The SHEER GALL OF IT!!!!

And then BAM!!! They piss you off. They won't listen to what you're saying. Or if they listen they're rude and nasty and deliberately fuck up your account. And all you can do is snap on that rep. And from then on every customer service rep you talk to you've got an attitude. The minute they answer the phone you've got an attitude. You're combative and argumentative. And you think you're right...


Yea i said it.


What makes you think that you've got the right to call in and act like you're the ALMIGHTY?!?!? What right do you have to call and piss them off, just cause you got a 40 inch dildo sticking outta your ass?? HUH? You do realize that they didn't call you. You called them. So YOU need THEIR help!!!


They didn't call you. You called them.

You forgot your password 
You can't log into your computer
You lost your phone
You lost your dog
Where in the fuck does the customer service rep come into play??? OHHH that's right when YOU need help.

So do yourself a favor and eat a piece of humble pie and smoke the fattest joint you can find, and take a DEEEP breath before you call and relax. Cause you're the one who fucked up. Not them.

And also remember, the reason you get the Customer Service Rep from hell is because the last person they talked to had the 40 inch dildo shoved up their ass with no lubrication and took it out on them. So they in turn shit on your other wise already shitty day. If you're polite enough, maybe, JUST MAYBE, that rep will help and be kind and understanding while doing it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dear Bishop Eddie Long

I find it hard to stomach some of the things that are happening to the Church. I say to the Church simply because it is a living thing. It breathes, it moves, it gives live. Where else can someone go and be reborn. Washed of all their sins. Embraced for the man that they are and for the man they wish to become. With the rates of fatherless children ever increasing, where else can a little black boy go to find a father figure. I was blessed to have a man in my life. My father is still raising me to this day and I'm so grateful to have been blessed by GOD to have him as a father. Yet, my heart cries for those children who don't have that blessing. My heart used to rejoice when those young boys turned to the church to find some solace from a cruel world. A world where most young black men are born with two strikes. In the Church, they could find a father (on earth and in heaven), who would love them and nurture them.
The image, that I just painted, is fading. And I'd like to thank you for that.

As a Bishop, your job is to mentor, lead and protect your flock. You are to be a protector and defender of the Church and of its name. You are expected to be honorable and noble. These are expectations that your parishioners and supporters expect of you. They can't expect you to be prefect, you're human. You are bound to have flaws. They do however, deserve for you to be what your title demands you to be. A MAN OF GOD!!!

A man of GOD defends the church and protects its walls
A man of GOD protects its members and provides a safe haven for all.
A man of GOD does not run, nor hide.
A man of GOD does not abuse those under his wing.

Being a young black man, I can relate and possibly explain why some of the men in my demographic don't attend church. If you take away the one's who have a genuine dislike for anything organized and positive and the complete non believers there is still a significant number of young black men who would love to attend church. And just don't.  Your recent actions are not helping. You're actually contributing to the destruction of the black church from within.

Now I will admit, I'm not a follower, or parishioner of your church. I am however, a young black man, with a love of GOD who you've utterly offended. Be it you're Innocent or not. Homosexual, bisexual or not I could care less. I honestly believe that there is a place in GOD's heaven for homosexuals simply because the GOD I serve is a loving and forgiving one. I'm offended by the fact that you ran.

Flat out turned tail and ran.

What if David had decided that Goliath was just too big and quit?
What if Moses had said the Red Sea was to dangerous and looked for another way around?

You said you'd fight, and before the bell sounding the first round your were on your back.
As a black man there is no way I can respect you for that. If my father had told me he would fight and then, ran. I wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes again.

So this message is not for me. You're not my bishop and i'm not a member of your church. Yet as a member of THE CHURCH, as a young black man in THE CHURCH, I feel duty bound to say, your recent actions and the actions of those defending, you are a taint on the image of the black church.

Some women in Church will forgive you. Some older men in the Church, will forgive you. Some younger men, on the fence about going to Church, won't. Some young boys, who don't have a father figure, won't turn to the Church.

Thank you for that.

Some folks will read this and some of my other post and say "he's just got an ax to grind" or "where does he get off saying this." And I say this to them. I am a child of GOD. For all my faults and all my successes it is becaue of HE that I am who I am. I was made in HIS image and he knows my heart and my mind.

Rose Scented Bullshit

Originally when I started today I was gonna right out a list of holidays that I felt should be added to our calender of National holidays. In the middle of writing, it occurred to me that folks lie to themselves TO FUCKING MUCH. I mean some of the shit yall shovel and ask others to eat is enough to feed China for the next decade. I mean really, have you ever sat back and thought about some of the shit you hear folks tell you. Or the shit you read in the news...Its truly amazing. Here are some common lies folks tell.

I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU....BULLSHIT!!!! No one loves EVERYTHING about another person. Hell folks that are truly in love will tell you there are 2-3 things they hate about their significant other.  Folks who use this line are really up to some shit. And they are shoveling you this line just to hide the issue. Which is typically I've fucked up something major and I need to hide it or cushion the blow. Sad thing is, so many of yall FALL FOR IT!!!

He'll see the error of his ways... This is what the delusional chick will tell her girlfriends after her most recent man-fling drops her ass like a piece of flaming dog shit. If he left your ass stop whining about it. Pull up ya big girl drawls and get over it. YES you can be sad for a few days. YES you're allowed to mourn the death of the relationship. Don't be crying over the shit 6 months later. That's probably why he left your ass. Cause you DON'T GET OVER SHIT!!!!

Lies are a necessary part of some folks lives. Fucked up thing to say, I know. Yet its the truth. Some folks don't wanna accept the signs that are laid out right there in front of you. Some folks would rather have everything sugar coated and diluted so that it doesn't "hurt their wittle feelings". So you're either gonna be the recipient or the deliverer of some Rose Colored Bullshit. Until you wake up and realize that sometimes the truth is not that bitter of a pill to swallow.

Monday, June 13, 2011


"There are no good men left" has become the equivalent of "The man is holding me back." Remember that phrase ladies. Years ago, when racism was as blatant as the stretch marks on the strippers at Arnie's. Or about as blatant as the pimple on Nanny Mcphee's face. Or better yet when it was as blatant as the cum on the end of a chick chin in your favorite porn movie. That's the phrase some dudes would use when they were just totally shiftless and lacked any kind of motivation about changing their situation. "The Man this and the man that. Ladies, I'm sure as shit yall remember that phrase. Its was like nails on chalkboard every time you heard it wasn't it? Here you are attempting to be supportive of this brotha during his struggle and all he wants to do is sit around and do shit.... Well this post ain't about that. This is about this new shit some of yall wearing out like pair of 5 year old pumps with a broken heel.
"There are no good men left." Six words. Thats it. Six measly little funky ass bullshit words. And yall say them every damn chance yall get. Whenever you see someone cheat "There are no good men left". When the dude you was just talking to leaves and goes onto another pasture "There are no good men left". When he won't open the door for you, treat you to dinner with no strings attached, just do good by you "There are no good men left. Its either that or yall say all the good men are either gay, taken or in jail. STOP YO DAMN WHINING!!!

I'm gonna lay this out there flat out on the line, butt ass nekkid for all to see, read, understand analyze and criticize. Good men do exist. Great men exist. We just ain't checkin' for the bullshit you come with. Flat out. Point blank.

Now there are some women who (if they happen to read this) will say "Oh black men are just intimidated by strong independent black woman." or better yet "Black men just want a woman to do as they say and not be viewed as an equal." Just do me a favor and go suck it like Miami did. That's the shit yall tell each other and ya self when you're too afraid to look in the mirror and face the facts. Confidence, independence and a strong mind are the epitome of what makes a black woman sexy. Some of yall think you're strong independent and intelligent and yall ain't. Yall asses just is.

Someone answer these questions for me:
If there are no good men left, then I guess you ain't had no dick in ages?  Cause as a strong independent and intelligent sista I just KNOW you ain't settling for less.

If there are no good men left then who's fault is it? Ohhhh i forgot. They all gay, taken or in jail.

If there are no good men left, how is it your female counterparts of other races are having so much "success" with locating, identifying and stealing the hearts of good brothas. Ohh I know why cause they are more subservient and are willing to take all their bullshit right, RIGHT!!!


If every man YOU date does something to hurt you, or never lives up to your expectation. Never treats you right, Always cheats. Whats the common factor... ITS YOU!!!! I'm not saying you're a bad woman. Yet yo ass got some extra ripe shitty tendencies. And those tendencies are leading you to always have a front row seat at Bitter Bitch Central Theaters where the main feature is always There are no good men left.

Maybe its time for some women to take a LOOOOOONG hard look in the mirror and ask themselves some important questions. Do I know what a good man really is? Am I worthy? The fact that YOU think you're worthy, don't mean shit. Some of yall lie so damn much you don't know who you are anymore.

Good men exist. They are out there. We just hide in the shade and peek out around corners and watch what you doing. If i see that you gave the pussy up to Man man just cause he rocking a wife beater and got that thug vibe, why the fuck am I gonna pull out my shining armor and save yo ass?  Looks like you getting what you want just fine. Good men won't and I repeat WON'T step they Gentlemanly and chivalristic game up for trash. Or even worse, a sophisticated woman who thinks she's worthy but every time she opens her mouth some form of There are no good men left flies out. Good men are sick of hearing this bullshit.

Here are some tips
Stop bashing men. We're sick of you always bitching about the latest shit some man has done.
Stop thinking its always the man's fault when they don't approach you. Maybe you need to ask a close male friend what is it about you that's not doing what you expect.
Stop listening to the dreaded BITCH WITH NO MAN!!!! Don't front, either you're her or she's your best friend. She's never had a man, or a stable relationship with a man, but she KNOWS everything about how to avoid being hurt by a man. SHE'S THE QUEEN OF THE BITTER BITCHES.

You want a good decent hard working black man. Then stop taking a shit on him everytime he approach's you. Stop saying dumb ass shit like "He to nice." A nice guy will pull that weave and fuck you like a dog if you just stopped acting like a bitch long enough. And yea I said that too.

So there it is. Ladies yall have definitely flipped the script. Some men used to say the man is holding me down  and yall got upset and have changed the game. Now yall yelling there are no good men left. keep that shit flying outta ya mouths and you'll always have front row seats at the BBC.